Pre-sale Shirt update

Originally posted by junnie from the east
don't worry Jay, it would be much better than here. hope there will be no shipping trouble! now i'm smiling, thinking about my T-shirts's first long journey! :)

Which is funny since you're going to bring it all the way back to Atlanta in a few weeks. :) Have you decided which night you're going to wear it?
There will be no problem on exchanging sizes or correcting orders provided you (or anyone else) contacts me directly via email.

I packed up about 85 orders that day so I'm sure I screwed a few up along the way.

Please email me directly.

Glenn H
Well they made it up to New York finally. Beautiful shirts - I like the 'less is more' approach to the front.

By the way, what is "WWW.LOTFRCOM" supposed to be?
The printing size fucked things up as that should have read LOTFP (Legion of the Flame Princess).

That is actually a "P" instead of an R and has a "." squished under it and it looks like an "R" as a result.

For those wondering, I have already kissed Jim's ass in attempt to make up for it.

Originally posted by junnie from the east
:cry: everybody got their shirts already! now i can say "not fair!", Jay? :D

I hope the Japanese mail service is good...otherwise the T-shirt might turn up after you leave for Atlanta....*wicked laughter ensues*

Just kidding! I'm sure you'll have it any day now. :) Are you bringing any other metal t-shirts with you?
yeah i'll start to be anxious if i can't get it this week.

i think i'll wear this Tshirt (only if i can get it before i leave ;) ) on 14, so that a friend from Taiwan and me can recognize each other on the plane from Detroit.

i'll be only staying there for 3 days, another 2 days i'll wear poetry shirt and red silk shirt! :lol: oh! it's not the topic for this thread? sorry! :D
Originally posted by junnie from the east

i'll be only staying there for 3 days, another 2 days i'll wear poetry shirt and red silk shirt! :lol: oh! it's not the topic for this thread? sorry! :D

Yeah I'm quite tempted to get myself a pair of Manowar underpants and Fantasy Boots. :lol:
Well maybe I'll dress a little more conservatively then :lol: ...if I want to grab any bands attention, I'll wait until Mr. Harvester brings over Nightwish and Arch Enemy. Woohoo! :cool: