Predators (2010)

Went to the screening at SXSW. Looked pretty good. Rodriguez spent a lot of time telling everyone how much the were trying to recapture the hunted feeling from the first movie. Have my doubt about Fishburn's character.
Saw the trailer at a theatre this week and didn't even know that this was in production. As soon as I saw the three red spots wandering across a soldiers chest, I knew what this was haha. When Rodriguez name popped up, I got mildly excited.

I turned to my girlfriend and said: "Wow, looks like Robert Rodriguez does a new Predator!" and she replied "WHO does WHAT? Am I supposed to know who or what this is?" Mental facepalm followed.
I'm slightly optimistic. Could have potential to be something entertaining. Though I'm more excited about John Debney's score for it since he admits he's an Alan Silvestri fan boy. Plus, his track "Ivan Escapes" from the Iron Man 2 score had a definite Predator feel to it.:kickass:
I dunno looks pretty B movie to me. A yakuza gangster against a predator? Yeah let's use a sword against a bunch of predators with super advanced long range weaponry. I bet that guy is in the movie for about 5 mins. I'm curious if this will be the rare case where the black dude doesn't die first!
Laurence Fishburne gets eaten by a Predator shark while making a speech. True story. Promise.
I saw the preview in a store last night. I didn't realize they were even making this movie. It looks pretty cool. I'll probably go see it.
I just think it's funny how the first one was all huge muscular dudes and this one is like the lankiest dudes they could find , Adrien Brody and Topher Grace?! Where's Nicole Richie? Well apparently someone thought he could be Venom , and they were really fucking WRONG about that one
Carl Weathers > this whole movie.





Jean Claude Van Damme fights a Freddy Krueger-Alien hybrid in this one, it's awe-tastic (no relation to Metaltastic).