Predicted New Album Cover Art?


Aug 14, 2006
Buffalo, N.Y.
Anyone have any ideas on what the new album will look like? I think it will be grey,silver & white but as far as the art its self i have no idea. I really like the pose on the stockholm dvd,they sould use that instead on the new album. (lets keep this thread serious please)
I don't think the new art is even being decided yet. They've probably barely even started writing yet, and they're going into the studio later this year, so...I'm thinking the album won't be out unitl at least next summer. I think ANYTHING about the new album at this point is just speculation.
FTR is their masterpiece its better than hatebreeder and thats hard to do,HCDR is pretty good,in my opinion i think AYDY is better that HCDR but thats my opinion.Dont forget something wild ,its very ferocious and it leans to the black metal element but you can tell its bodom,In my opinon its there 3rd best album