Prehestoric Recording!!!!!!!!!!

Gday all. Just posting a short 37 sec clip I did about 6 months ago using a roland vs 1880. Then sending it to a crap PC, using a guitar cable hanging half way out of the vs (so it could pick up left and right) then into a small headphone adapter, going into one of the 3 small coloured inputs into the back of the PC.

Pressed play on the vs and recorded it to one channel in Adobe Audition.

Burnt that as a AIFF (dont understand what that is as I am a noob at this stuff) and sent it to pro tools where I have not done anything to it yet.

Please take a listen, critisize (it has been recorded in a noobish fashion), and tell me if and how it could be salvageable. Cheers!:kickass: 03.wav