Premenstrual Fetal Discharge

We will constantly be updating and working on more shit. Thanks to Phallus Optimus Maximus for the fucking-festive song (All parts done by him, minus a few production tweaks.) Phallus Optimus Maximus and I will begin work on the s/t as soon as possible. Keep checking the site for more mp3s and such. The outline for an album has been set in stone, as well as a cover (almost.) Fuck you all and a merry fucking belated christlessmas. May god touch all of your tight little asses. HAIL SATAN.

- Assius Rapius
E-bortion said:

uhhh how about no. Best live show Ive ever seen and I doubt you could beat it. Im not mouthing you Im just saying. They were awesome live two weeks ago. HE WORE PARIS HILTONS VAGINA ON HIS HEAD. Hello, it doesnt get any better than that.
uhhh how about no. Best live show Ive ever seen and I doubt you could beat it. Im not mouthing you Im just saying. They were awesome live two weeks ago. HE WORE PARIS HILTONS VAGINA ON HIS HEAD. Hello, it doesnt get any better than that.

You will mouth me, you'll mouth my cock. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BEND OVER
E-bortion said:
You will mouth me, you'll mouth my cock. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BEND OVER

HAHAHA, yeah whatever. If I wanted to suck a cock Id move your moms head and try it myself. Only someone from Texas would want me to suck their cock. We dont do shit like that in Oklahoma, you mustve mistaken me for a georgian.
NicodemiX said:
Assius Rapius has spoken. Now SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BEND OVER

Dont start with me Nico, we were getting along just fine. Ass raping is for the sexually frustrated who cant figure out there are two holes on a woman. This obviously comes from years of abuse from your father. Grindcore bores me. Im going to bed so leave your disgusting retorts for me to read in the morning. DOnt worry ebortion, I gave your mom cab faire. :wave:
Dont start with me Nico, we were getting along just fine. Ass raping is for the sexually frustrated who cant figure out there are two holes on a woman. This obviously comes from years of abuse from your father. Grindcore bores me. Im going to bed so leave your disgusting retorts for me to read in the morning. DOnt worry ebortion, I gave your mom cab faire. :wave:

I'll fuck your virgin ass while you're asleep little boy. Sure my dad fucked the hell out of me, but we both had a good laugh after. Watch yourself, I'm from Oklahoma and I know the state as well as I know the insides of your mum's rectum.
On a realistic note. I will drive up there and gladly kick the shit out of you. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

-Assius Rapius
E-bortion said:
On a realistic note. I will drive up there and gladly kick the shit out of you. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :tickled: :tickled: I live in new mexico now. Youre about as threatening as a dead dick dog. Besides theres shitload of other people that want to kick my ass or attempt to kill me so take a fucking number and shove your fucking IM SO HARDCORE CAUSE I LIKE Grindcore shit up your ass. Oh and I aint your little boy. Ive had a lot worse threats then some little faggot who thinks hes hot shit tell me hes gonna kick my ass over the internet. If you ever met me youd be shutting your fucking mouth pretty fast. Im probably a little older than you think. Just thought Id let you know. :) :) :) :)