Pressure festival pics online

I'm curious what Warwick's T-shirt say. :)
warwick said:
it say`s = im not a alcoholic,im a DRUNK,alcoholics goes to meetings.....

Hedon said:
That's right! Less than 24 hours after the show, glorious full colour pics are uploaded to the homepage. Click here to check them out!

..Hehe okay, cool (y) :p

: o

Is it just me or is Niklas' hair longer again? :Spin: hoi hoi cool
(Hmm..Weird sentence.. Grammatically correct right? Hmm hhmm

HOLIDAYS!! :D :cool:
(Just that you all know :p)

Heeeey I thought they promised us (i.e. Dutchies) to come to Holland first....! :'( :p
The Grand Wazoo said:
Is it just me or is Niklas' hear longer again? :Spin: hoi hoi cool
(Hmm..Weird sentence.. Grammatically correct right?

Well, if you ignore the fact that hair is indeed spelled H-A-I-R, you are quite correct.

-Villain (np: Katatonia - Brave Murder Day - "Brave")
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Ghhh, I always miss everything...
oh well, soon I will hopefully get to move near Göteborg,
maybe then I will catch someone from DT alive :D