Pretty Amusing video of someone around here.

If it were up to me, I would have and shot into orbit along with Dr. Phil.
This is fucking ghey. Why does every teenager think that video taping himself doing some lame ass prank/sketch/mimic/play/dance/song/salamistroke is entertaining? Just like these fucking pinto's that video tape themselves hardcore dancing to converge.

I did dl some Avg American street fights on youtube the other day. But after watching 6 black vs white fist fights. All of which ended in a victory for the emancipated tail danglers of the night. I got depressed and turned the pc off.
Me and my friend used this exact same soundboard to prank call a ton of people. We even called my dad. His response to Dr. Phil was classic: "I want to play a little game with you... it's called FUCK. YOU."
