pretty cool

How in the flying fuck did they figure that distance? Or was it just trial and error? :lol:

Probably had a JBroll type calculate the trajectory :D
i saw on the news last week that this was faked. pretty good job of faking it though. but this video was so impressive i wish it was real, cuz that would be some badass nerd power there. but like Jbroll said earlier, the number of variables and margin of error just isnt possible, given that in real life you get one shot and then youre dead or crippled.
It's obvious it's fake :

- impossible to calculate a precise point of "impact" with such an imprecise starting and jumping ramp
- I doubt it possible to calculate precisely the friction coefficient of "a man sliding on a wet ramp that we made wet ourselves randomly", especially if the water falls and therefore don't stay on an inclinated ramp
- impossible to stop a mass with such a velocity in so little water. You couldn't even fall in it from the height of a man. Really, is it possible when you live since 20 years on earth to physically feel possible such a reception ? :lol:
- impossible to be sure the man is in the exact right direction (no system of direction on the video), and no way to stop if he is not
- and even, impossible to be sure the man is gonna enter the water the good way (if he doesn't enter it "vertically" you can start finding the pieces of meat)

It would be possible on a bigger pool with a good calculus of margins applied, but to be sure, it would be a BIG pool, and there would stay the problem of reception in water !

Anyway it's really well faked, technically speaking !

If you want a really impressive video, this one is cool : PS : it's not fake and that's what is quite tremendous in this one :lol:
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- impossible to stop a mass with such a velocity in so little water. You couldn't even fall in it from the height of a man. Really, is it possible when you live since 20 years on earth to physically feel possible such a reception ? :lol:

Yeah, that's what stuck out to me. Even if a person could nail that target through some combination of detailed planning, skill and dumb luck, he would hit the bottom and/or far side of the inner surface of the pool and send both tumbling for several meters beyond the point of impact. Even if the impact killed him, it wouldn't have stopped his body's forward momentum dead in place like that.
Is like a commercial, they are getting more popular with that kind of fake effects or that stuff., there are a lot of the NFL.

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