Pretty old song that I decided to re-record


Jan 16, 2002
Tampere, Finland
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This song is about seven years old and was written to my old band. Back then it was recorded with real drums and everything but the result was horrible since I didn't know at all what the hell I was doing. :lol:

So I decided to re-record it and also planning to re-record two other songs since I think that the songs are decent. Very Dimmu Borgirish but they were our main influence back then. :)
No vocals yet though.

So how can I improve this mix? Thank you very much for listening.
I really like it, looking for a similar guitar tone for a project I'm working on. Are you using tse x30? I'd say pull back the drums and let the guitars out more.
Drums a bit too much in front(at least when my bass was turned up on my eq a bit), but then other times not enough drums. It would be nice to hear some stereo or even better 5.1 clear drum rolls. Over all, Nice stuff. I think some playing with the levels of the different instruments thru out would make it more even.