Preview Of Akercocke's New Video For 'Axiom'

im basically against all music videos. i don't understand why people are concerned with the visual aspect of something so different, such as a song, and i also find that a music video limits how people can interpret a song.
wake me up when music videos become anything more than bands miming to their own songs that are being played over it
I'm not really.. Against videos.. Just i think most of them are shit. But i'm intrigued by the look of this. I like the idea of creating an album with a dvd to accompany it.. Just need something that would work with it!
Yes i understand your point that the video can limit interpretation, but i'm sure you can always take your own meaning from what you see anyway. It doesn't entirely kill it.

And Seance, we can already see this videos more than just the band miming :P
Apparently the video is generally meant to actually give a good interpretation of the lyrics.. And before you say it, no .. not including the parts where the band play ahaha.

But yeh.. i wouldn't know seeing as i've only seen the preview, and not read the lyrics.
wake me up when music videos become anything more than bands miming to their own songs that are being played over it
Have a look at Hypocrisy - The Abyss. I totally love that video. The visuals only add to the music, instead of taking away focus from it. It consists of fade-ins and fade-outs and slow pans of different things, like close-ups of statues and buildings, etc.