Preview Pic ReValver MKIII.V


Michael "MBA"
Jan 26, 2009
Here is some preview pics of ReValver MKIII.V.
It is not the final version so changes are possible

Here is what`s been done so far. as i know

* Fixed problem where IR speaker module forgot to display the name of the imported IR.
* Fixed problem with dropdown "New preset".
* Fixed problem where IR drop down would not always display curently selected IR.
* Improved visibility concerning beta expiration dates. (Message box.)
* Improved error messages if installation of license file fails.
* Fixed bug in Limiter LM3 and compressor CS1 where crashes would occur in some hosts,
if module was inserted on the fly.
* Added warning message when trying to export preset or bank when none is selected
* Improvements to the VST host to ensure robustness and ease of use.
* VST host now keeps better track of loaded presets.
* Quick search in VST list.
* Optional automatic refresh of plug-ins on disk
* Changed default values for 3120 amp power tubes.
* Changed default values for 6505, 6505+ and JSX "power amp class".
* Convolution modules such as the speaker cabinet and convolution reverb now accepts
custom created directories in the installation directories with either *.ewav or *.wav interchangably.
* A new custom file selector is available to replace the speaker IR drop down list to allow quick and easy IR file selection.
* Graphs can now display the proper menu for zooming out.
* Replaced all native menus with custom ones, to bypass problems in certain hosts.
* ProTools 8.0.3+ now work properly with context menus.
* Fixed problem in Mac, where program would crash after adjusting the cabinet size of the SCS Speaker Contruction Set.
* Fixed automation related bug. Modules such as Octapus and others may silence whole rack if control moved in wrong way under wrong circumstance.
* The Peavey XXX amp has been replaced by the Peavey 3120.

As if it will be free i dont know, but I hope it will.

The new internal 64bit tube processing will get a better and less digital,fizzy sound than before.
Thanks, yes it will be great and sounding even better than MKIII.
The release should be as said in the end of next month.
Glad to see improvements to RIR on the list! Looking forward to it, I just hope the update's free as we've been without updates for far too long now.
Why has the Peavey XXX been replaced?
The new amps are

Demon = Diezel Herbert
Orange = Orange AD30HTC

2 new Peavey amps Masterpiece and Sensation
2 Budda amps Super Drive and V20
A new optical compressor Peavey VC/L