priceless ...

2:30 in to that video, the stream freezes. Our IT guy walks in here and says "hey wherever you were just trying to go, don't do it again. The log kept saying FULL NUDE FULL NUDE FULL NUDE and I thought 'jesus Adrian, knock it off!'"

I told him it was a CNN clip and we had a laugh. So yeah, I'll watch it later. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
2:30 in to that video, the stream freezes. Our IT guy walks in here and says "hey wherever you were just trying to go, don't do it again. The log kept saying FULL NUDE FULL NUDE FULL NUDE and I thought 'jesus Adrian, knock it off!'"

I told him it was a CNN clip and we had a laugh. So yeah, I'll watch it later. :loco:

haha :tickled: