
Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

Do you have any idea how much the studios charge bands when recording ? Of course, it depends on the man behind the wheel, but I'd really like to know what is an average price for producers... From what I already know :

- Fredman (Fredrik Nördstrom - sw) : $500-700 / day
- Area 51 (Tommy Newton - ge) : €500 / day (if my memory is correct)
- Tue Madsen (Antfarm -dk) : €500 / day
- Stephane Buriez (LB Lab - fr) : €500 / day
- Terje Refsnes (Soundsuite - fr) : €700 / day
- Studio des Milans (fr) : €380 / day

But there are a lot of prices I'd like to put in front of names, such as :
- Andy Sneap : ...
- Colin Richardson : ...
- Rick Rubin : ...
- Terry Date : ...
- Bob Rock : ...
- Scott Burns : ...
- Piet Sielk : ...
- Dennis Ward : ...
- Peter Tätgren : ...
- Charlie Bauerfeind : ...
- Roko Kohlmeyer : ...
- Kevin Shirley : ...
- Neil Kernon : ...
- Pierre Remillard : ...

Share your knowledge fellows :headbang:

A lot of those guys negotiate a different rate every time and the bigger the name the more likely they are to want points on your record as well. I don't think Rick Rubin does anything but executive produce (stand around and count money) stuff on his label and I doubt Bob Rock wastes his time with anything that won't make him millions.
Not one you mentioned, but I was watching a video of a Steve Albini speech and he draws a salary of $450/day from the studio he works from.

On top of that you ahve to pay for Studio rental $800 for studio A or $600 for studio B, and you ahve to pay for tape since they only run analogue gear. They have a rates calculator on their website:

I heard Obituary is going to get Scott Burns to help out on the new album!
I have to say, should it really be discussed as openly as this?? It varies from project to project, and I wouldn't go up to anyone and ask them how much they earn. I understand your interest but this is a deal between the label ,the band and myself, no one else.
i must agree with Andy on this, and there are several reasons why that can be a good policy. this is not the least of those reasons... and i'll pose it to you as a question: how would you like to run into difficulties in negotiating your fee for a new CD for "supergroup X" on "big independant label Y" simply because said group and label knew that you had worked for much less than you are proposing for their project when you did a CD for "local-yokel band A" on "tiny independant label B" just 2 months earlier. :erk:

as i said, this is just one reason among several.. i'm sure you can figure some of the others out. :Spin:
Yeah I totally understand all your points Andy and James, but I was just being maybe too curious ;-) Or maybe I was not clear enough. My question was not "how much does one earn ?", since what you pay for a studio is not directly going into the producer's swiss bank account. I was just trying to get an idea of the big names' prices (and not income). I guessed there must have been some kind of regular basis price, but obviously it depends from producer to producer (some have fixed prices, some don't), and then from project to project...

Sorry for asking :-$

Brett (kicking himself)