Primal Dawn - Zealot


Let The Metal Flow
Sep 5, 2006
Hailing from Ireland, Primal Dawn have always been high on my "lets listen to some Irish Metal" list ever since I picked myself up a copy of "The Euthanasia Programme".

I think this latest offering from them shows how much a band can grow and improve with time if the right amount of effort is put into it, Zealot is a must have for fans of Black Metal.

There are four tracks on this CD;

Wrath of the Righteous:

Within the first few seconds you know this is going to be an extreme album, not one of those 5 minute solos followed by some shit screeching, after a short intro the vocals kick in, they have a really good, raw sound to them - not quite Black Metal, but it fits in well with the music non-the less.

Musically this track is probably my favourite of the album, around 2 minutes in a pretty cool guitar solo kicks in, something I would like to see live.

Reap The Chosen:

This track starts of pretty standard, and you almost felt that it was just too generic, then you realise that was just to lull you into a false sense of security, this track will blow you away if you like it hard and fast.

Worlds Within Worlds:

This track, it has to be said, was a bit of a letdown for me, not because it is bad or anything, but every other track on the album had something special in my opinion about it, saying that the lyrics on this track are probably my favourite from the album - "Conspiritors to capture all that is not thier own, The weak ones feed the fires of their ascendancy"

Silently by the sword:

The last track on this album was perfectly placed, it leaves you wanting more, which is (in my opinion) what a good last track should do. It has everything you want from a metal album, I would almost be tempted to buy this CD for this song alone, a really good track to headbang to, excellent stuff.

Overall, I feel the album flows well, gives you a nice inject of cold harsh metal and is well worth checking out. One thing I would say is, it is a little of on short side, just under 16 minutes.