Prisoner-The Upcoming Devastation


New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2014
Prisoner : " The Upcoming Devastation" CD 2014 Serbian Heavy speed Thrash. A great album with a nice design cover with four horsemen. The Three given tracks are really excellent full of melodies and fast riffs mixing many early 80's band. A great intro in the vein of Helloween and metallica (ride the lightning) , many other influences Evil Dead, Destruction, Slayer, Flotsam & jetsam, Anthrax 's first lp , Iron Maiden, Agent Steel and some classic type solo a la malmsteen. The lyrics are punshing inspired by manowar and others . A band to check it is worth and man if you are still in the 80's then it's for you!!! Heaven and hell should release this album.....thumbs up!
album will come soon
you can hear the EP on band's page
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