Hey, I hope this is the right area to post this. . .
What's up everyone, my website and service have been around for a while, but I just recently signed up for this forum.
If anybody is looking for a pro production, but is on a tight budget please get in touch. I've been involved with metal music and music in general for 18 years now and have been engineering for a little less than that. My aim has been to work with bands that perhaps don't have access to or can't afford the "big guns" but want that sound.
It's purely an online file exchange, safe and secure.
If anything, let me know what you think of the new design ofmy site
thanks to all
What's up everyone, my website and service have been around for a while, but I just recently signed up for this forum.
If anybody is looking for a pro production, but is on a tight budget please get in touch. I've been involved with metal music and music in general for 18 years now and have been engineering for a little less than that. My aim has been to work with bands that perhaps don't have access to or can't afford the "big guns" but want that sound.
It's purely an online file exchange, safe and secure.
If anything, let me know what you think of the new design ofmy site

thanks to all