Pro-Pain - Fistful of Hate

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Pro-Pain - Fistful of Hate
Candelight Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


If you're looking for some groove-laden, tough-guy metal, Pro-Pain just might be your ticket. The band tries to appeal to the inner headbanger in you, and they succeed just fine in this area. It's hard to pin down exactly what genre these guys fit into, but some slight hints of industrial pervade their primarily heavy metal schtick. The lyrics are the type of heart-pumping, fist raising stuff you'd expect, as are the vocals and general aura of the band.

Throughout twelve decent tracks, Pro-Pain maintains your enjoyment level via their simple, but somewhat effective, style and the occasional breakdown or very rare solo. I was never in utter awe of the music I was hearing, but it wasn't really bad either. Numbers like "The Better Half of Forever" offer some added enjoyment, due to additional elements like the tribal influence and an excellent solo.

Vocalist Gary Meskil has a borderline generic voice, but it's effective with the music they play. The rest of the band members are competent, but far from stupendous. Fistful of Hate is an average album, but it's also the only material I've heard from them, and I'm willing to bet that the other full-lengths in their impressive-sized back catalogue make this album look like an ugly duckling.


Candlelight Records’ Official Website
Pro-Pain’s Official Website