Pro Tools LE... delay compensation... latency...


Mathew Cohen
I'm starting to get really frustrated...

I'm retracking guitars and bass for my band's album for a remix...

Doesn't matter how tight I am there is a delay of the recorded guitar track... its not in sync with what I'm playing along to... I'm in Low Latency mode... no plugs whatsoever... and whats worse, if I shift the guitar track around, I can't get the entire thing to line up... some parts are in sync and some arent...

my chain is:

guitar EMG81 > od808 > ns2 > 5150 > Marshall 4x12 > sm57 > presonus digimax LT > Pro Tools etc.

I think my problem might be the 40 ft worth of cable between the mic and my interface... the amp is in another room as with the cab... I could bring the cab closer to the interface to mic it (probably cut 10-15 feet off the cable length), but then the cab doesnt sound nearly as good...

Any help would be appreciated...
It's not the 40+ ft of cable. The speed of sound through a cable is a lot faster than your reaction time.

When in Low-Latency mode, PT routes the record-armed input to the outputs 1-2.

You say you can't shift the track because some parts will line up and some parts won't? If this were a straight up latency problem, you would be able to shift the track and it will line up.

You shouldn't ever have to shift a recorded track to compensate for latency in this situation. The only times a track would need to be shifted is when using plugins with delay (i.e. PSP, Waves) and after recording something through the internal bus (i.e. apTrigga, Revalver).

What you seem to be experiencing is tracking misalignment, which is different than delay compensation.
I know I had the same problem couple of months ago, I just re-istall PT and I got rid of that )
Trash the Prefs, Databases, all that...

I have no idea what would be causing it...

Are all of the plugs in the PT Plug-Ins folder 100% legit?
Shitty... I've done everything on that PC link... un/reintalled PT and its still giving me the same crap...

I tried going through my toneport via spdif, but i'm getting the same results... only it sounds thinner in tone, lol.

I tried to see if it was my hardware, so I tried to record in Reaper and couldn't figure out how to use my toneport with it... couldn't find the track input source...

Anyway... kinda frustrating...
I know that this is a little off topic, but how did you get Presonus Digimax to work with Protools?

That track misalignment could be a hard drive problem (although not likely). Why don't you try bouncing the tracks and open a new session, then record your guitars on to a new session. Then solo your guitar tracks (one at a time, I know its a pain) back to .wav files and re-import them 9or visa versa, bounce every single in mono, and begin a new session that way), and see if you still get the same problems. How many tracks are you using?

BTW, this would be a good idea to back up your files, just in case it is a HD problem.
I know that this is a little off topic, but how did you get Presonus Digimax to work with Protools?

That track misalignment could be a hard drive problem (although not likely). Why don't you try bouncing the tracks and open a new session, then record your guitars on to a new session. Then solo your guitar tracks (one at a time, I know its a pain) back to .wav files and re-import them 9or visa versa, bounce every single in mono, and begin a new session that way), and see if you still get the same problems. How many tracks are you using?

BTW, this would be a good idea to back up your files, just in case it is a HD problem.

Yeah, i tried numerous things... its doing it in all my sessions, and i have tried saving them to a couple different drives... it just seems that its either a problem with my 002, or... hell... i dont know...
Have you tried tracking with a different DAW, such as Cubase or something, or if you can hookup your digimax to a different PC, or Laptop (if it has Firewire of course). That way you can try to isolate the problem. If its the interface it will give you the problem on any DAW, or PC. If its the Software, then the Interface should work with a Different DAW. If its a HD that is giving you too many bad sectors, then its likely that your having other PC issues, and either DAW will give you problems. Once you've tried all that, I would say you might have to fork out the change and call Protools Tech support.
Ok... so my test have been random and pretty much hit or miss...

I've tried opening new sessions and sometimes this issue arises, sometimes it doesnt...

I also just had it happen in one session, got frustrated, closed out PT... restarted PT and tried to record the rest of my idea and it worked fine...

WTF?! I'm glad its working and all, sometimes, but... its starting to piss me off

Also... My buddy loaned me his copy of cubase sx3 and the dongle to try it out, but I can only select the Digidesign driver Left/Right... I cant select any inputs to record from... all the inputs show up in the Device panel's VST Input section... I dont get it...

EDIT: Scratch that last part... figured out I needed to "Add Bus" to get them in the inputs section... blah.

going to run this test... ok, so recorded an audio track in Cubase... got to work fine... there wasnt a delay on it's placement in the track... so... the computer isnt the problem, nor is the hardware... which makes me sad... it might be PT7.1? guess I have to upgrade to 7.4 when it comes out...

either that or make James' day and say i'm switching to MAC... haha... not yet dude.
Dude, just upgrade to 7.3 or, wait until 7.4 comes out. I've got 7.3 cs5 on XP working almost perfectly for me.

A lot of your plug-ins won't work in 7.3 without downloading the updated 7.3 versions. I know for a fact that the old(er) Autotune, URS Bundle and Emerald Bundle do not work in 7.3 (i.e., the cracked ones :)) Not accusing, just informing :).
hey man, the only thing i can tell you is what wackner said and make sure your playback engine is at least as low as 128 samples and see if that makes a difference. The other thing make sure you don't have anything on your master fader like a limiter or analyzer etc.
Dude, just upgrade to 7.3 or, wait until 7.4 comes out. I've got 7.3 cs5 on XP working almost perfectly for me.

A lot of your plug-ins won't work in 7.3 without downloading the updated 7.3 versions. I know for a fact that the old(er) Autotune, URS Bundle and Emerald Bundle do not work in 7.3 (i.e., the cracked ones :)) Not accusing, just informing :).

7.3 doesnt like me... It doesnt even load. thats why i havent moved from 7.1...

but it does seem that some of the problem lies in having something on the master bus...