problem: excessively dull recording/source quality, any ideas?!

Killing Angels

New Metal Member
Aug 28, 2004

Serious problem, wonder if you guys could help me out!

There's some serious HF roll off happening somewhere when I record, and I'm trying to work out why it's happening. I know that prior to mastering things are a bit duller, but this is EXCESSIVELY dull, like everything after 7-8hz is just going going gone. It sounds almost as if I recorded at 22khz or less...! (which I'm not doing, I'm recording at 44.1khz).

All imported files from other sources in my DAW are fine, it's just when I record. Consequently, I'm compensating with ridiculous EQ to attempt to re-balance everything tonally, which defeats the whole point of good engineering, and of course you can't really put back what wasn't there in the first place.

Here's the signal chain guys:

-misc. shure microphones (SM57, KSM27 to name but two)
-Soundcraft Ghost or Spirit M8 on different occasions (used purely as a preamp and for setting recording levels, direct outs go to...)
-analogue ins of my Echo Layla 24 audio interface
-Cubase SX.

all connected with shure mic leads and unbalanced looms I got from Proel...
the cable runs add up to about 18 feet, would the unbalanced leads be the problem and make that much of a bad difference?

My hunch is that it's my (discontinued older model) Echo Layla 24 audio interface, cuz I picked it up as b-stock from UK dealers Turnkey, and maybe it has crap A/D converters or is still faulty?

If you guys could help me out any suggestions would be well appreciated! Thanks guys. I can also post a snare clip if you want, just SM57 an inch from a snare.
Did you try other preamps ? Or do the problem happens both with the Soundcraft Ghost and the Spirit M8 ? Did you try plugin a synth direct into the soundcard and see how it goes ? It would help you to find where the problem is occuring.
Thanks for the feedback guys!

Yeah I've tried both mixers, and none of the onboard EQ is engaged... both mixers also have this "pre" button which bypasses all EQing'n'sends, etc. I've tried both the pre switch in and out, still loss of high end... :confused:

Hey brett, good idea about the synth thing I should try that. I've tried tracking a pod XT Pro on its own going through both USB and analogue and they both sound almost exactly the same, though guitar signals tend to gently roll off around 5khz-ish anyway so maybe it's not the most easy way to judge... hmmm... I should just try a synth.. :) Don't know why I didn't think of that before, thanks man!

I'm thinking of saving for an octopre LE, though currently trying to find out whether I should just save for the regular octopre, if there is that great a difference. Again, thanks guys!!! Will letcha know if I make any progress.