Problems with my mix. Technical Deathmetal/core/whatever inside

I would agree that the overhead do seem to pop out a bit too much, might think about dialing those back to a point where they're not assaulting your eardrums. Probably could use a little bit more snare in the mix as well (I keep losing track of em) Guitars might need to drop back a hair so that everything sits a little bit better (suggest also listening to CD's of bands that do this style of music and attempt to approximate those mixes in relation to where everything is sitting.) Definitely a good effort but could use some improvement to make it excellent.
The bass is way too loud in this mix. You need to give a bit more breathing room to everything else. Also, I'd cut back the cymbals just slightly not by too much. Other than volume issues everything sounds great. Good tone and drum sound. If you have a difficult time hearing the loudness of the bass try listening to the track on some other speakers or headphones to compare.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I've made adjustments to the Ohs and snare so that they're more balanced. I'm going to work with the bass.
There are parts where I REALLY like the bass being so loud because the picking sound adds some more "punch" at the high end?

Not sure how to describe it. Haha.
But I like the way it sounds during the "chug" types of parts. I'll probably do a bit of automating to fix it.