"Producing Hard Rock With Logic" Video


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
I'm really excited about my new video tutorial that went online today:
Producing Hard rock With Logic
I mention The Ultimate Metal Forum & a member name or two in the series.
If you have a chance - I invite you to check it out.

Big thanks to Ryan Harvey (aka CatharsisStudios) for the IR's.

Hope y'all enjoy.
Take care & rawk'n'roll!

Mr Noodles!!!!
Doing purdee kewl right about now. How about you?
Excited about this new video - I just hope it isn't too "easy listening" for everybody here!
It seems like there are a few videos out there which revolve around Electronic or Jazz music and that's kewl.
I just wanted to take a shot at something a little different - music wise - but not too far off the grid, ya know!?
It's really great to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Take care!

Hello, Mr Parsons!
I'm happy that anybody would remember me at all - even if it is for my red-neck-ness!
Thanks for taking the time to reply, sir. You're awesome.
Rawk 'n' Roll!

@ kaomao: Thanks, Maurizio. Very kewl compliment & I appreciate it very much.

@ SocialNumb: Thank YOU as well for the compliment.

I appreciate both of y'all taking the time to reply. I hope that you have a chance to check out the Sample Videos (and maybe even more!).
Everybody on this forum is always extremely kewl & supportive.
Thanks to both you guys.
Take care!

Mr Noodles!!!!
Doing purdee kewl right about now. How about you?
Excited about this new video - I just hope it isn't too "easy listening" for everybody here!
It seems like there are a few videos out there which revolve around Electronic or Jazz music and that's kewl.
I just wanted to take a shot at something a little different - music wise - but not too far off the grid, ya know!?
It's really great to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Take care!


Yeah man, I'm good.
I'm going to PM you my e-mail address. I've been meaning to try and make contact with you via email!
The idea is awesome, I'm just going to re-check the link to have a proper look.

I'll be pimping this everywhere you're not ! :)
Glad to see you're alive, and RAWKIN'.
Well you absolutely - positively - fuggin rewl!
Seriously - that is a very kind thing to say.
Thanks to you, Mr Jon.
Take care, sir.
Anyone working with Logic? Do yourself a favor and check out all the stuff from Scott on groove3, he rocks so hard it almost hurts!!!
Thank you Scott, love your stuff!!!
@ dmonbreed: Thank you kindly. I really do appreciate your reply & hope that you stay tuned & enjoy!

@ ahjteam: You're too gracious, sir. I am glad you got a kick out of it. I hope that you are able to watch the whole series.

Thanks to both of you for taking the time to reply.
Take care!
