"Producing Hard Rock With Logic" Video

@ iAmAndy: Thanks for that. That means a lot. I miss being able to cut loose with the language and dirty-tasteless jokes!!

@ Z'Takeover: Thanks very much, sir. Looks like y'all have been busy - I know that I hear some good tunes coming from your site(s)! Keep it up!

Y'all fuggin rewl. Thanks for taking the time to check out the videos and reply as well.
Very much appreciated.
Take care!

the Intro video showed me all I need to know! Actually no it didn't but its tempted me to download this evening.

What I did notice is how little effects and fucking around you do compaired to what my stuff looks like - you may well be getting my money sir!
Awesome video. Your old videos made me think of the Cajun On-Star video. Being from Baton Rouge I'm sure you'd appreciate this:

I work with far too many people that are actually like this...
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@ Klosure: Thank you very much for checking out the video. If you are able to get it - I hope that you enjoy it!

@ roy22341: Thanks for the compliment, sir. And - yes: I can appreciate and relate to that video.
I got family in Bayou Sorrel & Bayou Pigeon - funny thing is that I am considered the "city boy" to them .... go figure!

Thanks to you both for taking the time to watch and reply.
Hope y'all take care!

Well I have been watching this last night and do recommend the video.

What amazes me is how just how well it comes together so quickly, my guitars never sound that good to start with, no matter how hard I try!
Scott can i ask what did you use to get the guitar tone, I mean am I wasting my time trying to get that sort of tone via a cab emulation?
@ Ryan: thanks a million, sir. I made sure to mention your name in one of the videos as well - thanks for the impulses.

@ mjgg6: That sounds like a very kewl thing to me! I do hope that you enjoy it!

@ Klosure: You're too kind. I really appreciate the compliment.
As for the question - you absolutely are not "wasting my time trying to get that sort of tone via a cab emulation"
That tone is totally doable. In the videos I go over a few different ways to get a decent tone (IMHO) via the included Logic plugins, and / or free plugins.
But for the final "tone" I ended up using my PODxt.
Let me know if I can be of any assistance - I'll be more than happy to help.

Thanks to y'all for watching & taking the time to reply.
It really means a lot to me.
Take care!

Cheers for your input! I thought it sounded like a emulation (but not ment in a bad way). What surprises me is how well it fits, mine tend to sound ... shit, even with the Demonizer:


but maybe I just dont got it yet!

Thanks for a great video on your production techniques I found it very enlightening, and in a way it reminded me of how much fun it can be something that is fast leaving me in floods of tears!
Click the above link - and that will get you to their support page.
That does sound strange, though. They're really good at getting back in an expeditious manner.
Hope that helps.

Just signed up again for this little jem. Loved TNT, so I knew this would be extra kewl.
And it is sooo much fun. If you are wondering if it is worth it... it is in heaps.

I have changed my workflow to how you demonstrated building the tune, this has helped me loads. Simple but very effective.
Ive also got 3 templates now setup for any occasion :)
I'm also using several built logic sounds now and I'm more than pleased.

I cant say enough good things about the way you teach, both new musicians and experienced should get something out of this.
Thank you for taking time to make these videos and making me a better musician.
Even my girlfriend said "who is that?" when she heard the song I am making LOL. She normally says "what hell is that noise" :o

She also said "who the hell is that dude talking, he's mad" but we are from the UK so excuse us

Love and peace dude
Hi, VaiMan
Very kind of you to say. I am glad that you dig the video. I hope that it keeps you entertained.
I am extremely flattered at your compliments. Thanks so much.
if you need anything - let me know - and I'll do my absolute best to assist.
Take care!
