production help needed badly

First thing you should have done was tuned the guitars.
Was this recorded to a click track? That.. and tuned guitars are the first step to a solid production.

Tell them to re-track and go from there.

Just out of curiosity, what did you use to record guitars? Sounds like a live amp, condenser mic, under a blanket?

Bass and gain cranked!
PS - I would take the "SSL" out of your signature. People will be much less likely to help you if they know that you're using pirated software. -___-
pod x3 tone, guitars tuned to A
we a click in spot theyre were having a hard time stay on with it
in spot so editing was a pain
thanks tho
Dude, that tapping thing is in a different key than the chugging... There is no amount of mixing that will ever make that sound good. And I think it's safe to say that the saturation on the master bus is accomplishing absolutely nothing for you... You should spend some serious time working on individual tracks before you even think about putting a single thing on the master bus. Do you know how to use EQ? Or compression?

I don't mean to come out of the gate being super critical for the sake of being negative, but those are my honest feelings.
full discloser the drums are eq and compressed by ear and the use of a guild line laid out be the mixing engineer handbook second addition the song is in the key that band wanted all the parts are the way they wanted them arrangered im just doing there demo recording i dont have the knowledge or equiptment to make this sound as good as a serious studio album. i posted this for specific forms of help vst's to try out, what should be louder or lower that sort of thing
You need to take more control over the people you are recording. Out of tune? Tell them. MAKE them tune and always to the same source. If their part is in a different key, tell them. Tell them you're not putting your name on shit.

Be a producer, not an engineer. What you produce will reflect your ability and influence potential customers more than anything else.
This song has a lot of potential for some serious cookie-cutter digital bullshit.

Re-work the guitars. Like, start over. lmfao.

Sounds like they were recorded out of 15watt amps.

If you have DI's, I'd gladly re-amp them for you for free.
Also, is there NO bass guitar in this? If so, record some. :P

Add some processing to the snare, and try to stray away from Steven Slate cymbals, imo.
Use Superior 2.0 or something instead.