Production In Black Metal


The White Wizard
Aug 8, 2007
Boston, MA
One of the things that turned me on to WOY is that when I heard them I was like "whoa, Undergroung Black Metal that doesnt sound like shit!" They had good production. I am a bit of stickler for that. Old Immortal would probably be awesome but their production is atrocious. There are so many bands that just have horrible production and it can really ruin the music. It depresses me :erk:

Why does most production for BM suck? lol
I think that purposely bad production is pretty lame

i agree

when bands do that to their music purposely i think it is a form of laziness and misguided 'light' from producers. look at st. anger.. had it had better production and better producing it could have been MUCH better. or Dance of Death by maiden.. why off the floor.. 'raw' doesn't mean shit lol
I think it all depends on what works for the music, and honestly i think the reason alot of metal bands are lowfi is mainly budget, you do what you can with what you have, seriously, this style isn't a cash cow for labels, so nobody is getting money thrown at them, and who wants to throwdown a bunch of money on studio time with some engineer who knows nothing about the style of music you play.

a good example of this is the original mix of against the seasons, definately not the best, but once dave got the resources he had it remixed and remastered.

there is also the other crowd of purposely shitty recording, and generally they are just retards who arent really musicians, they only care about being "black metal" and theyll tell you anything that doesnt invovle a photo of themselves in black in white and music recorded on a home tape deck through a trash can, its not "trooo"
i agree

when bands do that to their music purposely i think it is a form of laziness and misguided 'light' from producers. look at st. anger.. had it had better production and better producing it could have been MUCH better. or Dance of Death by maiden.. why off the floor.. 'raw' doesn't mean shit lol

I loved Dance of Death and didnt think anything was wrong with the poduction, but thats just me. I'm talking about all these black metal bands that think by recording your album on an 8 track in a forest it makes you the best. I can deal with sub-par production, but pure wall of sound/ noise I cannot take.
Shadar Logoth is right. A large part of it is Budget. But on the other hand it definatly adds a new dimension to some bands. When I hear some low production CD's it just adds so much more to it. When you are trying to create a helpless atmosphere to your music you dont want everything to be crystal clear, I would rather you not know whats going on. Again it works for some band sand not for others. Its kind of like a director. If you are filming something and you want it to be terrifying. seeing it clearly might not have the same effect as seeing it distorted. Sometimes its all from the artists point of view...and if it bothers wasn't made for you to hear.
Shadar Logoth is right. A large part of it is Budget. But on the other hand it definatly adds a new dimension to some bands. When I hear some low production CD's it just adds so much more to it. When you are trying to create a helpless atmosphere to your music you dont want everything to be crystal clear, I would rather you not know whats going on. Again it works for some band sand not for others. Its kind of like a director. If you are filming something and you want it to be terrifying. seeing it clearly might not have the same effect as seeing it distorted. Sometimes its all from the artists point of view...and if it bothers wasn't made for you to hear.

I agree with the budget thing. Many bands dont have the money to make perfect sounding stuff but I think that if a band feels that they need to have bad production to make a good doesnt sound to good to me. A good band should be able to do that themselves.

Jimmy, you're stuff is awesome btw. I'm pretty sure I've seen you guys a couple times.
It's easy to get decent production now, I think anyone who has really bad production now isn't trying to sound good. My favorite BM is when the rhythm and the guitars form this wall of melody, it works much better when it's decipherable.