Prof. Dr. Fritz Sennheiser dies (9 May 1912 to 17 May 2010)


Sep 24, 2007
Late during the evening of 17 May 2010, only a few days after his 98th birthday, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Sennheiser, audio pioneer and founder of today’s Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG, passed away. The audio industry has lost a huge figure, not only in terms of his technical expertise but also in terms of his humanity.
Amazing story, wow. 98 is a good age, especially for somebody from his generation who survived through both great wars(!) Impressive that he lived that long, definitely a survivor and innovator.
It's a sad time, because in our lifetimes we will lose all the survivors of a period in human history that should never be repeated again. Without that insight, future generations are all doomed to repeat those mistakes.

Sad to hear about his death, but 98 is a good, long life. I doubt many of us will be as fortunate :)
The other day, I was starting to think... As we are the 2nd or 3rd generation of metal lovers, we have to be prepared to see a lot of "celebrities" die, starting from now.

BTW, Fritz is not a metalhead, but that's not my point :)

Sad but at the same time, it's not. He died because he has ended his life. He had a long life, and he surely had a good one... I don't think it's so sad and I would like to do the same :)
RIP Dr Fritz... much bigger loss than some rockstar being an idiot and OD'ing

I totally see your point, I don't do and never have done any type of drugs, so I understand that when someone OD's it's entirely his own fault and he pretty much was asking for it, but still kinda lame, Paul Gray was an excellent musician and left a great band mourning and a family in the most terrible loss

Still, 98 years, I have nothing but respect for this man, he goes entirely in peace and having lived a complete life and definitely did his part in the world
Why is this year this sad?
It seems everybody we know be it from their products or their bands is dying...

oh god RIP Dr Fritz, huge respect for you :(
...much bigger loss than some rockstar being an idiot and OD'ing...

From your perspective that is. From my perspective mind, it would be no loss at all if you went under a train tomorrow.

Just an observation. I understand that when someone OD's it's entirely his own fault and he pretty much was asking for it...

Or you could say it's more the fault of the folks who outlawed some recreationally-usable drugs. If these were still legal you could buy them in known concentrations, thus making it much harder to accidentally OD.

Anyway, props to Fritz Sennheiser. 98 is a jolly good innings and he did some cool stuff with his time on earth. RIP.
Or you could say it's more the fault of the folks who outlawed some recreationally-usable drugs. If these were still legal you could buy them in known concentrations, thus making it much harder to accidentally OD.

seriously? how about, not overdoing them and you won't accidentally the whole drug?

seriously, that sounds like a really lame excuse for "accidentally" ODing
seriously? how about, not overdoing them and you won't accidentally the whole drug?

seriously, that sounds like a really lame excuse for "accidentally" ODing

Check the literature, the most common cause of accidental OD is that the drugs obtained were cut far less than normally would be the case. The guy taking them has no way of knowing this, and chops out his normal-sized dose. OD.

In order to "not overdo" the drugs, you have to know the concentration, and this is impossible because the supply is black market.
Check the literature, the most common cause of accidental OD is that the drugs obtained were cut far less than normally would be the case. The guy taking them has no way of knowing this, and chops out his normal-sized dose. OD.

In order to "not overdo" the drugs, you have to know the concentration, and this is impossible because the supply is black market.

yeah i get your point and it does makes sense, it´s just the fact of using the phrase "accidentally ODing" really sounds to me like playing the russian roullette and "accidentally" getting killed. Of course, this comes from a person who has never done drugs so my way of saying "don´t OD" is "don´t fucking do them in the first place"
..."accidentally ODing" really sounds to me like playing the russian roullette and "accidentally" getting killed.

How about getting in a motor vehicle and "accidentally" dying in a car crash?

Russian roulette doesn't sound like half as much fun as drugs, and at 6:1 the odds are millions of times worse. :ill: way of saying "don´t OD" is "don´t fucking do them in the first place"

Yup, that's a petty sure method. You could also avoid car crahes by never getting in a motor vehicle. A couple of people I knew corked it in crashes, I didn't blame them for taking the risk.

But whatever, you see it how you see it. :)
well I don't get in a car for pure fun and excitement, I do it because my feet alone will not work in getting me where I need to go, but as I said before you do have a point and I can agree with you, I just don't like drugs and feel whoever does them really is responsible for whatever the fuck happens to him when he does. My parents always told me they were dangerous, as much as they told me driving recklessly and unaware is dangerous