
Sep 26, 2007
Las Vegas
Hey Guys!!
I finally got the Prog/Power #8 review published in Virtuosa Magazine out of the UK!! You can order it here at
And you can see it,not in its entirety,on my blog where I now do concert reviews and more here, at
So check it out and I hope Taylor and I did it justice for ya!!!:rock:
Stay METAL and see you crazy fuckers next year!!! What a blast my first time was!!!!!:lol:
Not a bad review, but there are a couple of discrepancies.
The original venue was in Chicago.
Center Stage Holds 1200 people.
Halcyon Way opened up the festivities before Cellador.
Very few of the bands that play ProgPower are of headliner caliber. Even those who actually headline the fest mostly open for other acts elsewhere.
Glenn is irrelevant.
Other than that it was a pretty well written piece. Grammar and flow were appreciably better than the other reviews I've read.
To add onto what Magius pointed out, I'd also like to point out two mistakes from the All Star Jam section. Nils K. Rue only did ONE King Diamond song (Welcome Home), not two, and the crew didn't come up for "Highway to Hell" (that was Christer from Freak Kitchen), the ProgPower crew jammed on "Flight of Icarus" by Iron Maiden.
Thanks guys!! I guess me and Taylor were more buzzed than we thought!!!! Lol!! I missed Halcyon way whilst chatting with the Pagans Mind guys and having some beers,so sorry about that. It was early...
When he said headliner caliber,he meant that they are great bands that COULD headline. They are good enough for sure!
I didnt know it started in Chicago, and I thought Glenn started all this great stuff.
Missing those songs on the all star jam...we were plenty spent by then. I totally thought Nils did two KD songs...what was the other one he did??
Other than that,sorry we made a few mistakes. Happens I guess. We both are new to doing reviews so hope you guys can fogive a few minor discrepencies.....
Thank you!!!!
I'm sure it's not a massive deal. Silly nitpickers :P

LOL. Well... she did ask...

I don't think the mistakes are important. The main thing is that the article is fair and articulate.
Nils sang Queenryche's Take Hold Of The Flame. And yes, Glenn did play some small roll in getting this thing started. Actually... He da man! Bow Down!!!
Thanks Nails!!! :rock:
Magius, I appreciate the friend actually wrote the first half,so he is to blame...hehehehe. I didnt know shit about any of this. He invited me to go and it was well worth my while to go because I am obsessed with Pagans now and to see Firewind and Primal Fear was just to die for! It was an exceptional show and the people that I met there were amazing and so friendly and helpful! I just wanted this to get out there for more to see!
Glenn is the "man" and we should thank our lucky stars that he does this!:notworthy
For all the peeps that I met down there like,Metal Rose,Adam,Urban,Princess Divine,Warrior,John"the metalmadman",Adam(photo guy!)Brian(video guy!) all the security guys up front,and all the bands,this was the best time a metal-head could ever have and I wish there was a PP show closer to Vegas,but going to Atlanta,I got to see what real southern hospitality was...that is REAL!!! It just went too damn fast and I hope to be there again next year! I need to bone up on all the bands playing next year though because I know NONE of them...(I know,I am a noob!!!:rolleyes:)
Thanks to everyone and especially Glenn for the photo pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STAY METAL!:kickass: