Prog Power Reviews/News Site-- possible vandalized?

Kenneth R.

Oct 28, 2004
Hallways of Always
check out main page.

i'm not sure if that 'picture' is supposed to be there in new news, but i dont think it is.

i traced the person who posted it to which is apparently his site. if this is not official news (and i think it isn't) then someone over there at that site should be notified, and the idiot should get banned and have his 'news' removed asap.

i trust PPO with good reviews and opinions on music, and that just struck me as..... well...... stupid.
I'm so goddamned owned. Wow. I can't go on with my life. I've never been pwnd so bad. How will I survive?

Asshat. His two roommates must be celebrating right now with him. They're just whooping it up over there, with the V8 juice and the emo music blaring away.


...if these drippy bitches live near me, I might take a film crew with me and put a beat-down on Ebaum's World for y'all to laugh at.