ProgPower Europe

he he I think a person you already know is coming for sure :) I still don't know, it depends if I can take a day off work or not, but maybe...
Ich bin morgen in Berlin und dann wieder da am 22. und vielleicht auch am 23. August (wir fahren dann nach Norwegen). Man könnte sich treffen, wenn du auch da bist! Ich habe immer meine Deutsche Handynummer! Melde dich! Tschüß!
Also ich denke, ich werde nicht drumrumkommen, auch da hinzufahren :) Wir können uns ja zusammenschließen und Spritkosten sparen... hab jetzt auch 'n neues Auto :)
Hallo an alle! Eine Fahrgemeinschaft zu bilden, wäre nicht schlecht, obwohl ich selbst wahrscheinlich nicht dabeisein kann (will vor dem Festival noch für ein paar Tage nach Hamburg, dann nach Amsterdam und muss auf dem Rückweg nochmal nach HH, um ein paar Sachen abzuholen). Aber gut zu wissen, dass noch ein paar Leute mehr nach Holland fahren. Oder beschränkt ihr euch jetzt auf die angekündigten Tourdaten in D-Land?
@joy_of_grief: I know this is really off-topic and not really my business, but I'm just curious: why do you have a naked Jörg Haider in your signature? It seems such a bizarre choice to me. o_O
I'm going to see them in Copenhagen when they come :tickled:

I can't wait, they are one of my favorite bands :D :D And in October another band I really like is going to play in Copenhagen too ;)
I'm there. I'm planning to streak naked across the stage during Katatonia's set.
Medy said:
hope you'll have some pics to illustrate that ;-)

Hey Medy! How are you? Are you coming to the Katatonia show at the progpower fest? I probably will, depends on the other dates they are announcing for this mini-tour!
Ah now I see, you already said in this topic that you're coming!
I don't know anything about this fest, only this it's very close to the German border, and that Marco and Claudia have been there before, so maybe they know more! See you
Palmer Eldritch said:
why do you have a naked Jörg Haider in your signature? It seems such a bizarre choice to me. o_O
Life is full of choices!

marliez said:
Ah now I see, you already said in this topic that you're coming!
I don't know anything about this fest, only this it's very close to the German border, and that Marco and Claudia have been there before, so maybe they know more! See you

hi Marlies!
good to see you here :wave:

yes i'll be there, i was going to inform you by e-mail. it's would be cool to meet you there ;)

you were really missing at the Summerbreeze... we have to make it next time!

see ya! :headbang:
Hey Medy, really great that you're coming to the progpower festival! Seems like I missed another great festival... Will be there next year hopefully :)