ProgPower's Funniest Stories


Aug 1, 2002
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Ok, I noticed that I haven't seen a thread like this in a long time. Everyone has fun at ProgPower, we all know that. It's impossible to attend the event and not have a really funny story to tell about the weekend.

I have a few myself, but I wanna know what YOURS is. Figured this would be a fun thread.

And Glenn, if you think this should be moved to the Lounge, please do so. I wasn't sure, since it's ProgPower related.
*Ring*Ring* (at 0300 in the morning)
Caller: "Hey Glenn"
Glenn: "Yeah (sleep deprived and fatigued)?
Caller: The singer from Spiral Architect is passed out in my room! What do I do?
Glenn: Throw his ass out in the hallway.

*Knock*Knock*(at 3:30am)
John answers door - "WHAT"
Urban - Is this where the party is? room 215?
John - NO!!! This is room 315
Urban - Oh
"I guess we'll never know how it ends." - Names omitted to protect the guilty

There was also that year that Sonata played and we're sitting outside the Grenada and their pissed off merch girl came out beat the shit out of the band and anyone laughing at the situation (including me). She punches hard :B.
*Ring*Ring* (at 0300 in the morning)
Caller: "Hey Glenn"
Glenn: "Yeah (sleep deprived and fatigued)?
Caller: The singer from Spiral Architect is passed out in my room! What do I do?
Glenn: Throw his ass out in the hallway.

I might have that call on video tape... :heh:

In keeping with the phone theme:

(4:15am, after partying hard all day - friend's cell goes off just as we all went to sleep)

I hear a Swedish person talking to my friend on the phone...
It's Bjorn Fryklund from Freak Kitchen wondering what we're all up to.
He's wide awake & ready to party. We get dressed & meet him halfway between the Res & Techwood Mariott. We consume a considerable amount of beer back at the Res, and make it down to the lobby for breakfast without skipping a beat. MMMM Beer & scrambled eggs.....:lol: Sometimes you just can't take a pass on these kinds of opportunities...:)

Then there's Beer Kitchen - After their debut set in the US, IA & band are taking in all the well wishes when IA disappears, and comes back out with a printer paper box full of beer, and started his own party in the back corner of the venue's lobby...

Need to get those guys back to the fest asap! :heh:
Most of my stories involve a combination of Crooks, Lotesto, and Zilla - some of these stories even have photographic evidence! I think the hardest I laughed was at an afterparty somewhere, where I heard this horribly painful-sounding smack, and I turned around to see Lotesto knocked over the counter with Kerri V's handprint on his forehead. I still don't know what he said to deserve that...
1. After a few of us pass out on the floor after drinking. I hear musician calling a taxi cab at the ass-crack-o-dawn.

They take off, after talking with some people later that afternoon, turns out the musician was at THAT hotel, one door over... but was so wasted called a cab to take them back to their hotel.

2. Putting Adagio in the back of a truck bed during the rain to get food only to have Pellaz exclaim, "It's not our fault if they get sick."

3. Grass Angels.

4. Toilet Paper trails in resturants.

Can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure I'll add later.

This won't be nearly as funny to someone who was not present at the time, but 2 yrs ago at the Inn at the Peachtrees...

Trying numerous times to wake up Shreddy to come party with us in the courtyard on Saturday after the show at like 2 or 3am, when his flight was at like 7am. We tried everything from calling him, to tapping on the window, to threatening him....Ha! Ha! The end result was us playing Mission Impossible, barracading his hotel room door with anything we could find, while trying to be quiet enough so as not to have the cops called. Then we all strategically placed ourselves on the balcony different levels to capture the perfect shot of a sleepy eye'd "Mike Portnoy" emerging from his room to find anything and everything outside his door.
Like I kind of had to be there.

Oh, and Zak Stevens singing the hotel Bible was pretty cool as well.
"Sounds like Paul O'Neill lyrics".

Speaking of Mission Impossible, it's a CONSTANT disappointment that we never found what room Midnight was staying in.

I still, to this day, speak about my desire to upper-deck his toilet...

(It's probably a good thing too as Glenn probably woulda perma-banned me from the fest...but it would have been worth it!)
I know this one's been told before, but I love it. Imagine, if you will, a really skinny, couldn't-hurt-a-fly type of kid wearing a Kamelot shirt (this would have been my friend Anthony) minding his own business and enjoying himself at the Wednesday night karaoke festivities for ProgPower VIII. Then imagine a very drunk General Zod approaching said kid and asking him what his favorite Kamelot album was. The scenario went something like this:

Zod: So, what's your favorite Kamelot album?
Anthony: "Epica."
Anthony: Dude, how can you tell me what my favorite album is?
Me: Anthony, when the muscle-bound drunk man tells you what your favorite album is, you agree with him.

I know there are more stories, but I should probably get back to work.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Party in room 111!!! :headbang:

Mike, Evergrey's bassist at the time, was having fun with someone's wheelchair:



Right after these pics, Rikard (Evergrey keyboards) pushed Mike out into the hall, shut, and locked the door. :lol:

This was the same party in which several of us stuffed Rich Horner into the top freezer in the room's refrigerator and SHUT THE DOOR. One seriously skinny dude... :lol:

What is it with the hours between 3am and 4:30am? :lol:

We were at the Fairfield....PP IV


**knock knock**.......**knock knock**.....**bang bang**

Me: Looks thru peep hole and sees two guys standing at the door
Me: cracks door...huh?
Ronny & Steinar: GOOD MORNING!!!!!
I remember 3, specifically.

1. Progpower .. what, 6? I think? Maybe 7. I remember being drunk out of my mind on Friday night, and Drew sitting on the couch double fisting beers talking to this one chick. Of course, it was one of our amazing parties, so everyone is in our room and loud as fuck. So I see Drew talking to this chick, and so I socialize and drink some more. I looked over again, and he's still talking to her, you can tell by body language he wants to get laid. So, I stumble over, beer in hand, and in one of those moments you only see in the movies, there's that instant in the room where everything is just silent. This is when I decided (coicidentally, I was too drunk to pull this off) to say, loudly, to this girl, "HI, ARE YOU AND DREW GOING TO HAVE SEX?" She stared at me with a horrified expression, Drew just sat there, mouth agape, and I waited for an answer, calmly swaying back and forth. Drew, after the mental processing of what had just occured (EPICLY AWESOME unintentional drunken cockblock) let out the loudest "WHAT THE FUCK, PAT." I have ever heard. I still feel terrible.

2. Same Progpower, Drew and MetalRose's conversation:

Drew: "What's YOUR name?"
MetalRose: "MetalRose."
D: No, seriously, what's your name?
MS: My name is MetalRose.
D: No no, like, My name is Drew, not Curufin. What's yours?
MS: My fucking name is METALROSE
D: So, is your name Rose?

And it just went on. It was great.

And the 3rd, I think you'd had to have been there. I was having Granada breakfast with Matt M, and he was so high and laughing so hard at a spoon for being a spoon and not cutting waffles, he actually fell off his chair. Oh god it was amazing.
I asked MetalRose her name too. Similar conversation, but when she just said "MetalRose"...I just said..."Okay."

Here's my story:

Two dudes from Elvenking in my car, on the way to Steak and Shake at fucking 4 o'clock in the morning. One of them farts in my car...the most wretched smell I've ever experienced. Rolled down the windows the whole way there. When we got there and the other dudes saw the windows rolled down, one of the others said "Did he fart?" Their violin player is notorious for awful farts. Fucking gross.