ProgpowerUSA 12 lineup (Therion - Sanctuary )


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
Hope to see you there in 2011




Not too thrilled about that line up, tbh. Therion is nice, so is Haken and Voyager would be nice to see again. Sanctuary obviously's a one-off...but it doesn't make my blood boil any hotter just looking at the line up. Perhaps that'll come with time, though.
I have never been so excited before, until the line up was announced that is. I have wanted to attend PPUSA for some time and i thought next year will be it. But with this line up it's not worth making the trip. Same "rule" used i want at least half of the bands to be amongst those i really want to see and it's not so this time. But i know they will sell out as they use to do so i just need to see in two years again.
Have to see it with more open eyes?
MAYBE these bands drag people that are not interested in progmetal and turn them over to prognerds:lol:

- Captain Spectacular has seen through Ziltoid’s facade and now sets out to expose Ziltoid for what he really is…a NERD
Have to see it with more open eyes?
MAYBE these bands drag people that are not interested in progmetal and turn them over to prognerds:lol:

- Captain Spectacular has seen through Ziltoid’s facade and now sets out to expose Ziltoid for what he really is…a NERD

Hey Folks ProgPower USA is not a festival built on Progressive music only, it is a festival that combines Progressive and Power metal, and Thrash into a festival that is as diverse in music as it is in the people that attend. It was never intended to be about only Progressive music, hence the diverse line-ups. It is a formula that the promoter has prefected and it works.

This years show was in the opinion of a majority of attendees was the best ever, with Seventh Wonder, DGM, and Tarot, and Oceans of Sadness, literlly blowing the roof off of centerstage in Atlanta. All the other bands brought their A+ games also.
I was only kidding, folks. I didn't mean to offend somebody, I'm sorry that I'm misunderstood.

It is a fact that progpower usa recently books more metal bands than in earlier years, but if it helps promoting the festival it's a good thing, because it might also recruit new fans for prog metal.
I'm not going there anyway, so why would I complain.
USA have a couple of prog festivals, and for those who want to enjoy pure prog, they still have the diversity to do so.

Prog is on the rise again, and there are more prog festivals popping up annually, which is a very good thing. I personally belong to progpower Europe. I could also attend the Night of the Prog, but that has so many things missing. Not only that Progpower Europe's band selection wins every year, also the community there is great, I'm making friends, and a couple of more goodies are offered.

Wherever's prog, it's a place for me to be. :Smokin:
I was only kidding, folks. I didn't mean to offend somebody, I'm sorry that I'm misunderstood.

It is a fact that progpower usa recently books more metal bands than in earlier years, but if it helps promoting the festival it's a good thing, because it might also recruit new fans for prog metal.
I'm not going there anyway, so why would I complain.
USA have a couple of prog festivals, and for those who want to enjoy pure prog, they still have the diversity to do so.

Prog is on the rise again, and there are more prog festivals popping up annually, which is a very good thing. I personally belong to progpower Europe. I could also attend the Night of the Prog, but that has so many things missing. Not only that Progpower Europe's band selection wins every year, also the community there is great, I'm making friends, and a couple of more goodies are offered.

Wherever's prog, it's a place for me to be. :Smokin:

Hey no problem no one was offened. But you are right Prog is on the rise again, and there are so many awesome Prog bands out there, it would be good if there were a truely all prog festival here in the USA, but alas there isn't and that is so sad.