Progressive Deathcore with some rock?? (6505+, SSD, TACT, SUPERIOR)


I lurk, A LOT.
Jul 25, 2004
Hey all,

Did an EP for some locals around here and the drummer (with my help) built his drums in superior

INF (ibanez)> ts9 > 6505+ Red Chan > V30's > 57
DI > *Custom Podfarm setting* Ts9 > Mesa > Treadplate > Off Axis 0% Room

Bass: Di Triple split (1 lows, 1 mid/highs, 1 high/dist)

Drums: Superior Texas Metal (oh's/room) >10z1 + 10z1 down tuned 20 kick
snare: 15z1 downtuned 10, 8z1 downtuned 5, Greensnare

lots of verbs, EQ's, transients and a sonic maximizer everywhere but those are the basic sounds.

I had a bitch of a time with the vocalist cuz he's a "whisper" screamer, Decap + lots of comp on him.

Nice mix, I felt like the guitars were a little on the fuzzy side but that's just personal preference. I kept waiting for him to bust into some singing on the more progressive rock parts, oh well. Very cool overall though.
Thanks and i completely agree with you, I had em sitting nicely with lower gain and a lot more definition, however, their guitarist kept complaining that it didn't sound "distorted" enough for him.

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