Progressive Metal Mix test


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2011
Hey guys. I'm fairly new to the recording world and have been trying to get some mixes laid down for my band. But I have no clue if I'm in the right direction or not. My ears are pretty fatigued from listening to it over and over again from tweaking so I come here to see if anybody could give me some advice. Any criticism will greatly benefit me as were trying to get a demo out before the end of the school year.
*Be patient in the beginning. It fades in after 4 seconds or so.*

Thanks again to anybody that drops by to help me out :)
You didn't give us the right dropbox url. Right click on the dropbox icon in your taskbar and click open dropbox folder. Go to the file that you uploaded and right click - dropbox - copy public link.
Well that's embarrassing. Thank you for pointing that out. It is now fixed in the original post.
Cool intro. I think the only thing really lacking is the drums. The kick sounds a little like plastic and the snare isn't loud enough imo. Awesome song though.