Project: Mesa 2x12


Feb 20, 2005
So this past summer, I got an old Mesa half-back vertical 2x12 cab w/ V30s for $128 (ebay with local pickup baby), but while it was in great shape and built fantastically (Mesa never disappoints), it unfortunately really didn't sound very good (boxy in the mids, and a little harsh at around 2k). I attributed this to the front-mounting of the speakers, but when I tried to rear-mount them, I discovered the panel that divides the top-half from the bottom (they're separate chambers) didn't leave enough room for the rim of the speaker to fit in from the back.

So I bought me a Dremel, and went to town with routing! But THEN, when trying to screw in the bottom speaker, the (flathead) screwdriver slipped right off and went right through the cone! :mad: So I scoured ebay, and found a mint Celestion CL80 for $60 that I figured I'd give a try, dropped it in there, and all done! Also, I bought a panel to seal up the top half (hence the half-back part, now a whole-back, though separate chambers).

I hate when people embed too many pics, so here's a link to the picstory! (only 6 shots, don't worry). Unfortunately, it's too late to test tonight, and this is strictly a cab for small-club venues when I don't wanna lug the Stiletto 4x12, so don't expect any recorded clips (unless I'm so blown away that I think they'll sound decent), but I'll give a report on how it sounds on the room, which I'm really curious about! And FYI, most highly regarded cabs these days have rear-mounted speakers, with the exception of Engl, VHT, Carvin (for what that's worth), and some Diezels.
Wow I hope it sounds substantially better considering all the work you put into it. I'm anxious to see if it is noticeably different with rear mounted speakers. If it works I may just have to try it on my Krank cab. Looks great though.:headbang:
Well I haven't played it yet with the CL80, but I used it for a few practices with a pair of V30s (120 watt total handling) at LOUD f'in volumes without any trouble - really, my feeling is that wattage ratings are a load of crap, it's volume that does the damage to speakers, and the wattage of the HD147 is there more for headroom than sheer volume. Not saying it can't go retardedly loud, but I have no reason to turn it any louder than what a 50-watt tube head could put out, so the speakers stay intact :) Though if you actually did blow a 75 before, I guess maybe I should be careful - we shall see! :D
...the same way I used a JSX with a Marshall 2x12 that had a T75 and a V30 in it. :)

75 watts + 60 watts = 135 watts, the JSX puts out 120 - someone needs to go back to math class Mike :D

I mean, I of course agree that wattage ratings are crap, but just sayin'
I HATE screwdriver mistakes. Especially the expensive ones.

Glad you could get your 2x12 up and working again though, bet it sounds great!
Just tried it out, and it's definitely less boxy - granted, the bottom speaker is different, but still I like it a lot more, well worth trying for any of you guys with front-mounted cabs! (though I wouldn't recommend mixing it up, cuz hello phaseyness! Just all or nothing)