Project/track Templates


Oct 30, 2010
Do you work with templates ? How do you organize them ?
What's your basic template and what's your craziest ?
i love working templates for savig time during setups / preparation of sessions. but i havent any templates for sounds or processing of instruments.

i have two basic templates (reaper user):

Recording Template:
prepared monitoring section (backingtracks, clicks, talkbacks, headphone-busses, artist-monitoring etc)
prepared folders/groups for Drums, Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Misc, prepared for multiple takes / tracks / muliple mic-setups,
complex grouping of ARM FOR RECORDING applied, so you only have to hit one button when you do a double from a 3-mic-setup instead of 6 for example.
Basic insert fx applied, like gates on talkback, tuners, etc
complex routing for sidechain functions, multiple headphone-outs etc.
all labeled and colored in a way i like it.

it took very long time to create this template, but its such a big time-saver now. the template gets updated regulary when i discover new usfull stuff.

Mixing Template:
simple mixing template with a folder structure i like (Drums, Bass, GTR, Vox, Misc).
nearly no prepared fx or auxtracks. all labeled and colored in a way i like it.

from there on, i create a copy of the template for the band/project. as the project progresses, i create lots of new /updated templates (like drums-only),
so i can easily acces them / copy-paste between projects.

oh yeah, of course i have some simple / useful templates, like Guitar-Recording (DI+VST-Amp), Voxengo SPAN + Routing,...

imho, there is an other big advantage of templates: to be flexible you really have to think about what you need, how you need it and how to realize it. this way, you start thinking about your workflow and may discover things you can improve / do it another way.