Prom tomarrow.

Dec 27, 2004
So, Tullys going to the prom tomarrow. I skipped junior year of highschool, so all my best mates are still seniors so I got invited. I know its corny, but I still think I'll have fun =) Pimp Tux + Booze + Rediculously huge after party (taking charter busses to it, full of peeps) = fun time to me. I'll take pics because im sure your all very interested. :erk:
ct_thrash said:
NAD may enjoy that but oh my. buses full of peeps! NIGHTMARISH.:loco:
haha, took me a second. :loco:

Enjoy dude, I ditched my prom because like any other school related function, it was pretty homo. Except me playing bass at our gradution ceremony, that rocked. :headbang:
One Inch Man said:
Enjoy dude, I ditched my prom because like any other school related function, it was pretty homo.

Haha, yea, I dunno I think it will be fun. Our town in rated number 1 alchohlic teenager town in new england by some freakin' board of somthing or other. They make us spend 30 minutes in a room with police + chaperones before we can walk down to the prom, to make sure we arn't fucked up (which we will be).
Chromatose said:
photoshop this scene......NAD+peep bus.. anyone?

been working on that since my first post.:loco:
minus NAD. back to the drawing board.

i wanted to put more in but oh i got tired.
One Inch Man said:
Enjoy dude, I ditched my prom because like any other school related function, it was pretty homo. Except me playing bass at our gradution ceremony, that rocked. :headbang:
Ours sucked too. We don't have "proms"; we have grad dinners/banquets with a dance after. Most people bought their families. It was...bleh. I wish I had skipped the whole thing.
I went to the Anthrax/Exodus show in the middle of my senior prom. It was in '89, and I'd been dating the same girl for a couple years and she new how much I wanted to go to the show, which was only a couple blocks away. So after the whole dinner, pictures, a couple slow dances thing, I went up and changed, hit the show, came back and showered, did my girlfriend, and called it a night.