Promo material?

Dec 25, 2004
When a tour agent wants promo material from an artist, what exactly is he looking for? I know it seems like a silly question but I just want to make sure I send the right thing. It's not just photos and bio is it? I would take a guess at posters, press releases, etc.

Any info from anyone knowledgable on the subject would be greatly appreciated.....
You should go for the impressive style a lot of Amercan artist do.I am alsways impressed with their professional look.
Black and White A4 photo card,CD,Bio,some quotes from press,album success no mater where it is,noteable gigs you have done,business card.All presented in a project type folder like those ones you can buy in coles for $1 clear front and coloured back.
Just to add to what Xena said (which were good suggestions) a lot of people want electronic versions of that now (or as well). Have a CD with some high res photos of yourself, your album cover, the album (naturallly), video clips if you think it'll sell you, and basically everything there that you would have in hard copy so it's easy to copy and paste into their own documents.

Of course, make sure there's clear contact details for your label/management/site, etc.

If you need anything done, gimme a call as always! :)
Bloody fantastic! Thanks Xena and Tim, you have given me exactly what I needed to know, but Winmar and Koichi your contributions were invaluable. I like the way you guys think!

I can't believe you Tim. All the stuff you have on your plate and you still offer to help. :worship:
Not to sound rude or that I don't care... but I would reccomend asking tour agents or people in the actual business rather than trusting us idiots. haha.
I'm sure other tour agents could tell you exactly what you need, and ensure that you get the right answers.. (Style/Info/File types etc)... Although I'm also sure Tim would have an idea on the subject.

But my serious reccomendation is the old classic:

Now that I have your attention, buy my shit.

Just hope that people don't take it literally :lol:
Hee hee, Sprucey's cruisin' for a bruisin'! :D You are right though, it would be great if I could ask an agent themselves.

You see, I have been approached by a UK/European tour agent and I didn't really want to ask him. I thought here was the perfect place to ask since there are people who are very experienced in the music industry.

And if you're wondering why my label isn't doing it... it all revolves around money and I am doing everything as "budget" as possible while still having something really professional to look at.

Money is coming to me though, have to visualise, visualise, feel it. :) ;)

Wrathchild and a damn good biography writer you are too!
Koichi, noone would want my treasured old Wham! and Banana Rama albums :(

How did this perfectly wholesome topic, turn into this?!

Spruce Goose!!!! :Smug:
Celestial-Todd said:
How does lesbian sex help you Tim? Have the tightness of your jeans finally caused Little Timmy to shrivel away? hehe

Enough of the "little" there, pal! :mad:

And be honest - what guy doesn't want to look at hot lesbian sex? You know they're all secretly bi, right, and just waiting for the right guy? ;)

.... er, right?

.... right...?

Last night I just got in my first round of gigs from The Harbour Agency. If any of you Sydney people are looking for something to do one night and you think a bit of piano might be the go, look me up on my website. :) Oh yeah, I'll be playing the piano and singing too.

Not many Sydney people here really. I'm sure to go elsewhere soon....