Prophecy 4 : Uprising


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
For those of you who know me (fairly well) will know i'm a big fan of the Prophecy films and a couple of songs have been born due to this... "Dark Season, War of Angels and on the new album "Our Last Hope"...

Big thanks to Carole for getting the new Prophecy film to me .. i hope to be checking it out tonight or tomorrow... and will post my thoughts then... i have my fingers crossed :D that's it's going to be cool....:)
Okay have checked out said film and upon first viewing i was a little dissapointed. The same Producer for the Trilogy was responsible Joel Soisson and the characters were still based on those of Greg Widen but it was like they actually wanted to move away from the "Classic" Prophecy themes...
This time looking at the Darker Angels only (Satan being one) and though Simon makes a couple of appearances he doesn't "actually" appear in the flesh , everything said though it has opened up for more films i just hope they include more of the classic imagery that i enjoyed in the first 3... and the loss of Christopher Walken is a big one... i hope they can get him involved again at some point.. his portrayal of Gabriel was superb...

It may grow on me with a few more viewings.... thanks again Carole for getting that to me ... you're a star XX . Interested to see what you thought ??
Like yourself Sean I'm a massive fan of the 'Prophecy' Trilogy. But in all honesty I don't think this film should have been the one to carry on with this series. 'Constantine' may have been a better style of choice.
As for Lucifer, that part was brilliantly done by Viggo Mortensen and I would have thought it would have made more sense to at least keep that continuity as they did with Christopher Walken in the first three.
For saying that this is about angels, I was disappointed to see a distinct lack of them.
It's not a bad film on its own and part five is due out soon, so it will interesting to see what they come up with, but I doubt very much that it will ever be a patch on the first three.