ProTools - Which Rackunits does it need?


Mar 20, 2002
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Ok, so I see all these fancy ProTools Rackunits on studio pictures but so far I couldn't figure out what they exactly were. So which hardware does one need to 1) run PT by itself at all and 2) what can other Digi units add up to the setup?
this is what the Digidesign website is for.... just look under "Products" and navigate around and read. here's some direct links though....

Pro Tools HD (the most powerful/expensive PT systems) options:

HD core systems

HD i/o

Pro Tools LE (the lower powered, less expensive systems) options:



Thanks, of course I knew about the Digi Page but somehow I always missed the point - so far! :)
So the Core Systems run the actual software (allowing you to have more or less tracks depending wether you have HD1, HD2, ...) while the I/O provides In- and Outputs to plug in your signals. Right?

I'm just curios: Is it possible to use non-Digi Interfaces (replacing the HD I/O) together with the Core Systems? have to have at least 1 digi i/o unit to interface to the core card

there's no way around it, because the input on the core card is on a proprietary "digilink" cable CAN use converters other than the digi ones, such as an apogee, lynx, etc. - all you have to do is to run the digital output of the other converter to the digital in of the digidesign unit, and then it will go to the core card
Oh my god, now that I know what one would need to run PT HD I checked out the prices. All I can say is: jaw-dropping! :OMG:

If I get this right the smallest possible setup would be a DIGIDESIGN PROTOOLS HD 1 CORE card for € 7.499,- (Fuck! :zombie:) and a DIGIDESIGN 96 I/O HD INTERFACE for € 1.890,-.

Thats a really enourmous amount of money to just be able to run your DAW (if you already have an appropriate computer of course...).

What about the ICON consoles - do they come with CORE and I/O or do you have to buy these extra (I suppose so if I got the right from the DIGI page). How much are these?

How could you HD-guys afford all that shit when you started out?? I mean there's no mics, pres, plugs... bought and you've shelded out € 9.389,- already!

I guess you can see that I'm "a little" ;) overwhelmed right now. PT is not really common in my area but I absolutely can't imagine how the guys that have it could afford it...
Well the idea here is that most people don't start on HD; it wouldn't be the professional industry standard if it wasn't of the highest quality, and you get what you pay for in that respect. The ICON isn't even a console; more like the world's most expensive mouse, in that it's nothing but a ridiculously highfalutin' DAW controller (albeit a very good one, from what I've heard), and they don't come with the CORE card or interface either. No, most people start with PTLE, but having had many unpleasant experiences with that, it's not one I'd recommend.
Well, even if one doesn't start on HD you've got to make the step one day if you want it...
You can get quite a big bunch of vintage gear for the money it costs (plus plug ins are more expensive for TDM then...).

Oh, and btw, just to clear things up: I'm not considering moving from Cubase to PT, I'm just trying to get some facts down just because I'm interested in this stuff. have to have at least 1 digi i/o unit to interface to the core card

there's no way around it, because the input on the core card is on a proprietary "digilink" cable CAN use converters other than the digi ones, such as an apogee, lynx, etc. - all you have to do is to run the digital output of the other converter to the digital in of the digidesign unit, and then it will go to the core card

Not quite true Im booked into a studio tonight that has a HD3 system with 2 lynx interfaces clocked from a big ben with nothing rackmountable made by digidesign. The Apogees also have a card that can be put into them which lets them replace the digidesign interfaces.
That's pretty killer, I never knew that! Of course, it's still ludicrously expensive...
that's the same difference, in every field of endeavor, between the professional equipment and the consumer equipment that you will always have to pay. trust me.. there is a massive quality and performance difference... and you get what you pay for. this is like crying that an armored troop transport costs "ridiculously more" than a mini-van. either one can get the troops to the destination.... but one is clearly better and more robust and full featured of a platform with which to do so.

put simply... pro shit costs more than consumer shit.... tough titty. :cry:

I picked up a used HD4 System in LA for $8200.


1 HD Core Card
3 HD Accel Cards
Magma 7 slot PCI Expansion Chassis
192 I/O with Digital Expansion Card
PowerMac G4 Dual 1Ghz
16 Space Rack Mount Iso Box
Pro Tools 6.9.1 software and manuals

I also bought a 96 I/O used for $1000.

Yes its expensive, but that was alot of HD gear for a small amount of money.

Browse Craigslist and Ebay.

There's some good gear out there cheap if you wait it out and find the right deal!

At the same time I saw 3 HD3 systems going between $6000 and $10,000 with a G4 and either a 192 or 96 I/O included.

Its a much better deal to go that route than searching for a new in box HD1-HD3 pack which goes for around $4500 to $9000 on ebay and you would still need a Computer and Digidesign HD 96 or 192 I/O.

Look in to the Magma Expansions too.

You can buy the PCI HD Cards cheaper and find a used Magma to house them in.

Then you can always have a New G5 with PCIe which can connect to your Magma housing the cheaper PCI HD cards.

Not quite true Im booked into a studio tonight that has a HD3 system with 2 lynx interfaces clocked from a big ben with nothing rackmountable made by digidesign. The Apogees also have a card that can be put into them which lets them replace the digidesign interfaces.

my bad on that one...i was always under the impression that the core cards would only interface with digi hardware

and yea, if you're looking for HD stuff, definitely look used...i've seen some of that stuff go *relatively* dirt cheap, especially when larger studios and post-production houses shut down and do firesale auctions