Prototype Rarities and Gear on eBay... Help us raise money to finish the new album!

Mar 24, 2003
Hey everyone… We’re trying to raise some money in order to finish the new Prototype album. Want to help? Then check out these auctions for some Prototype rarities that we recently unearthed along with some musical equipment and other cool stuff:

• Prototype “Seed” Demo (Signed by Vince and Kragen)
• Prototype “Cloned” CD (Signed by Vince and Kragen)
• Prototype Baseball Jersey (Size XL)
• Prototype “Trinity Skull” T-Shirt (Size L)
• Prototype “Trinity Skull” T-Shirt (Size XL)
• Prototype Window Vinyl Decal
• “Sun In My Hand” Compilation CD with rough mix of “Trinity” (Signed by Vince and Kragen)
• “DisDURPance Vol. 3” Compilation CD with rough mix of “Trinity” (Signed by Vince and Kragen)

We also have a number of Psychosis rarities up for auction:

• Psychosis “Lifeforce” CD (Signed by the whole lineup: Vince, Kragen, Jason Mirza and Mike Johnsen)
• Psychosis “Pavement Bound” Demo (Signed by Kragen and Mike Johnsen)
• Psychosis “Pavement Bound” Era T-Shirt (Size XL)
• “Mosh On Fire” Compilation CD (Signed by the whole “Lifeforce” lineup: Vince, Kragen, Jason Mirza and Mike Johnsen)

Lastly, Kragen is auctioning off a couple of guitars and some studio gear that he’s no longer using:

• Ibanez 7 String Guitar (Grey Nickel with EMGs)
• Ibanez V-Blade Flying V Guitar (White with EMGs)
• Line 6 POD XT Pro Preamp with Multi-Effects
• Rocktron Hush IICX Noise Gate Unit
• Rocktron Velocity 120 Power Amp
• Akai S2000 Digital Sampler
• Korg DT-1000 Digital Tuner

And more…

I'm eyeing that 7-String right now. I've been thinking of getting one for a while. I've been looking at a Schecter Blackjack C-7 ATX, but this one, even though it's slightly more expensive, is calling to me a bit. Comes with a case, barely any wear and tear, and of course played by Kragen (I assume Probe and the 4 demo songs were recorded on this?).

I have some questions though:

1. How are the pickups? Not an expert on EMGs, but I've heard some people complain about the sound they give off.

2. How versatile is it? I know it's built for metal, but what about cleans, or just plain rock sounds?

3. How is the sustain?

4. How is the neck (fast? smooth? easy-to-play? If so, great)

I kinda wish I could try one out myself, but barely any stores around here carry 7-strings.

PLS Reply back.
Thanks for your interest in the Ibanez 7 string guitar. I actually hate to part with this guitar but I have a couple of other 7 strings that get more use. :)

To answer your questions:

1. How are the pickups? Not an expert on EMGs, but I've heard some people complain about the sound they give off.

I swear by EMG pickups. I have to have them in my guitars or they don't sound right for me. They have a lot of clarity to the tone. Almost everyone that I know that's looking for a heavy but crystal clear tone uses them. The EMG 81-7 that's in the bridge sounds killer. I have the same pickup in my ESP that we're using for the new album.

2. How versatile is it? I know it's built for metal, but what about cleans, or just plain rock sounds?

I took lessons from a studio musician/session guitarist for a number of years when I was younger. This guy did sessions for Rock, Pop, R&B, Funk, etc. and his main guitar had EMGs in it. The pickups sound great no matter what style you're playing. The guitar itself has 2 humbuckers so you can get any number of sounds out of it with no problem.

3. How is the sustain?

The sustain on the guitar is great overall. With a bolt-on (like this one) you're not going to get the sustain that you get with a neck thru body guitar but I never had a problem with sustain as long as the noise gate doesn't kill the signal. :)

4. How is the neck (fast? smooth? easy-to-play? If so, great)

The neck feels great. It's very smooth and fast, and because of the neck shape (like most other Ibanez guitars) it's pretty easy to play. I actually liked playing this guitar more than the Jackson Custom 7 string I had made for me years ago because of the neck.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Thanks for clearing those things up. I do have one more:

I've heard from some people that Floyd Roses are a real pain to work with. Myth or Fact? I just wouldn't want it to prove to be an annoyance.
Floyd rose bridges are only a pain when you break a string and the whole guitar goes out of tune. That's the price you pay for having a floating tremelo that allows you to pull up or down on the whammy bar. Changing strings can take a little longer too but it's easy once you get the hang of it. The locking nut helps keep the guitar in tune even if you're playing Slayer licks. Haha! Seriously though, this guitar stays in tune better than several of my other guitars including both of the other 7 strings I own.

I hope that helps!

Hey, I waited things out to see if the 7-string got any bidders or not. I guess no one was biting. :(

But, if possible, I still would be interested in buying, if perhaps at a slightly lower price. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a great guitar, and I'd love to help support you guys in making the best album you can, but $1000 is just a little too much for me to consider. I'm just a kid in college trying to save up as much as I can to make due, and while I've got my fair share of spending money in reserve, I really don't want to have to kill the piggy-bank so to speak.

If you would consider maybe dropping the price to about the $700 - $800 range, I'd be more than happy to buy it and give you guys my contribution.

Please reply back.