Providence, RI area people - metal show at Dusk this Wed 11/28


Sep 28, 2004
Boston MA
Hey, if anyone around that area is up for a mid-week metal show, check this.

In case that image doesn't show up, it's at Dusk which is at 301 Harris Ave. in Providence. This'll be my first time there. I play bass in the band Shroud of Bereavement. Faces of Bayon is ex-Warhorse. Starts at 10pm, three bands, three dollars.

We're playing again on December 15 in Worcester, MA with Sonic Pulse and a few others, too.
All Shroud of Bereavement music at bandcamp:

Here's a song on Youtube, it's in our set.

Faces of Bayon at Bandcamp:
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Dude, I didnt know you were in Shroud of Bereavement...........

I used to talk to one of your band mates all the time on the Novembers Doom forum.

HAve you always been in the band?
Yeah - you must be thinking of Dan, the main dude in Shroud; he's a long-time November's Doom supporter and friend. They're one of his favorite bands. I'm one of two newcomers to the band, been in for about a year. Feels longer than that because we've been intensively practicing throughout. The other new member is our synth/second vocalist. (Five total people.) We have plans to track for a new album in January and just toured a studio last weekend. There was another guy here who was in the band too, WarriorofMetal; we've parted ways amicably and remain friends.
Yes!!! Dan is his name.
I think his name here was DanofBereavement.
I remember hearing your guys stuff a while back and digging it.

Very cool. Maybe you guys can come through Chi town and do a gig with ND.
Yup we would love that, and I think we'll be looking harder at possibilities as 2013 develops, especially once we have an album to promote. \m/
We are doing one more show this year, this one is with SONIC PULSE (members of Razormaze & Skull Hammer). Sonic Pulse will be touring in January and are playing Warriors of Metal in June 2013. It's at Ralph's Diner in Worcester, MA on December 15. I'm pretty excited to do a show with these guys, they are a great time.

Also playing is a prog band Replacire
And the death metal band Seren