
Think PS3 will be better than the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii? I know some about the specs of each, and I think Nintendo might have the right idea here with the "all about the games" route. But only time shall tell.
if you're not cheap, just get a great system and stick to pc gaming.. otherwise, i support ps3 over 360
Fuck PS3, sony is starting to be a fucking sponge. They only have one really successful division and it's the playstation so their milking it; meaning, milking us.

Now they are likely to start selling game licensed games that cannot be traded anymore.

Then they are selling the goddamn console for $600

Wtf is wrong with Sony? I'll tell you what, I'll go have a "fine dining experience" with my $200 less 360, assholes; even if that means I have to fork over money to Bill Gates to do it's worth it.
I also heard Nvdia stopped making GPUs for the consoles, dunno about the status on that, or if its true or not, but that shit about having a barcode on the blu-ray disc is completely retarded, im going to laugh my ass off if they actually do that, theyre gonna lose so much business
X360 has the better gpu
PS3 has a 5% better cpu...

Both systems are basicaly on Par.
Check out Gears of war on X360 or UT2007 on PS3.
Buying a console for technical specs is stupdity.

Nintendo Wii (I hate the fucking name!) is going to be the console of choice because of ORIGINALITY, such quality exclusive games and a far more interactive gaming experience.

It seems as though with the 360 and PS3 we are just playing the same games with a visual upgrade.
Thraxz said:
Now they are likely to start selling game licensed games that cannot be traded anymore.

Then they are selling the goddamn console for $600

first one is a rumor that they have debunked themselves. Jeez, theyre even making all the games region-free!

And about the price.... hahaha, well worth it. Rather a PS3 then a blue-ray player for 1000$
Well worth it? Blu-ray hasn't established anything in the industry yet. PSP's UMDs (whatever they are called) have completely failed, movie companies are withdrawing support from it because it is costing them too much.

The Blu-Ray has to succeed before you can even say it's worth it. DVD's are gonna be pretty hard to kill out, they offer such high quality product at very cheap prices; because DVD's are the perfect medium for this.
well now i want the wii cause of how the gameplay is going to be like and I want to try something new
The Nintendo Wii seems to be a god-send. Changing the way we play our games IMO is definately interesting, creative, and new. Playing games on a regular controller might seem a little lame after playing the Wii, but we'll just have to see. Plus at $600 for PS3, people may have to commit crimes just obtain these machines....let alone the games for 'em. And the Xbox never truly interested me in the first place. So I'll definately be getting a Wii. I may pick-up one of the others afterwards, but the new style of gameplay is just too intriguing at this point.
I bought the 360 for Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved primarily. It's an awesome game. And then they released Burnout Revenge. Even though I despise MS these games among other new ones (Gears of War, Ninety Nine Nights etc etc) rock and therefore I don't care who made the console. Both the PS3 and Wii are gonna have excellent games as well, arguing about what's the best console is just stupid. If you can play it for a couple of years 600$ isn't really that friggen much.
It seems like Sony is doing whatever it can to piss off all the consumers. They keep adding more unnecessary, more expensive things to it to the point where it's getting ridiculous. Why the hell does a playstation need to run linux?
I'm sure all the game systems will be great. I know the X-Box 360 is great. It all comes down to exclusive titles and gameplay. PS3 will probably have the better RPGs, although Oblivion for X-Box 360 is awesome. The 360 will have great first-person shooters, like Halo 3. Just depends on what kind of games you like to play.