Pseudo thrashing on a weird mix!


Jan 29, 2008
Wroclaw, Poland
Here it is:
What do you think? Guitar is Cort x-6 with stock pickups (:Puke:) with Wagner sharp.
What do you guys think about gtr sound? Tried to aim for something original(considering my setup)
Drums are Addictive Drums, preset i got from Drown My Day project. Nothing changed in this preset, just some touch of eq after it. Bass is normal guitar on bridge position 2(S-H) octaved down with pvtransp and some eq.
The scoop in guitars is caused by my crappy guitar/pickups - the DI tracks are thin and lifeless, i could upload them so you could check it out, but theyre pretty bad compared to some other DI tracks i got from this forum. Maybe it's my playing but considering it's stock pickups of a cheap axe it's propably pickup issue.
Drums are Addictive Drums, preset i got from Drown My Day project. Nothing changed in this preset, just some touch of eq after it. Bass is normal guitar on bridge position 2(S-H) octaved down with pvtransp and some eq.
The scoop in guitars is caused by my crappy guitar/pickups - the DI tracks are thin and lifeless, i could upload them so you could check it out, but theyre pretty bad compared to some other DI tracks i got from this forum. Maybe it's my playing but considering it's stock pickups of a cheap axe it's propably pickup issue.

All right.

Again i really like the drums.