Psi.Kore split up


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
OK. Just got this info myself; haven't got full details yet but it looks like Psi.Kore have split up. I read it in the news section of Primal Agony, but I haven't been able to confirm anything yet. It appears that Matt, Aaron and Meredith have started a new band which I'm assuming will be Psi.Kore under a new name. No news as to what Chuck's doing. Apparently the new band will be playing Metal for the Brain instead of Psi.Kore (obviously). I'm guessing it will be the same band with a new singer and name.

Shit, eh?
I wonder if we will get something better than "creative differences" as the reason from the band?

Ahh this SUCKS :cry:
So Chuck was the singer, yeah?

I didn't like his vocals much, but his guitar work was excellent.
Chucks rythem was first class. He played a few leads too live, didn't he?

Well I guess geese aren't too popular around here, so I usually get first crack. It was one of the benefits touted by my employer when luring me over here.
Originally posted by Lord Tim
Yeah, I heard yesterday they split up. Aparrently Chuck's continuing PK by himself so I heard, but I could be way off...

Damn shame! :(

Maybe ill join! ;)

This means I have to wait even longer for a new album doesnt it? :cry: *sigh*
His vocals's did irratate me after a while, I still really liked Psi Kore but.

How would you feel but, the other members starting another band and not including you,wouldn't you feel like a tool.
I wonder why they split, they seemed pretty happy with the new lineup in the interviews I saw...
They cant do that! :eek: Or CAN they? :D

Should be interesting to see what comes out of it...