
Jenna Bush Gets Down with Her Own Bad Self

What!?!?! Jenna on "all fours" shaking her weapons of mass destruction for all of the reality-based community to see!!?!?! Is this just another heart-breaking rumor on the internets? The NY Post says that video evidence is being shopped around. We'd bid, but we blew our entire photo budget on what turned out to be doctored photos of Dick Cheney's wang! Fuck!

Silver lining: The videologist apparently didn't capture the actual can-banging (a.k.a. "Da Butt Dance"). However, eyewitness reports that Jenna was totally flashing thong, and that the club she was hootchie-ing it up at displays a replica of Monica's blue dress. There's some fancy literary term for that but we're too drunk to remember it! said:
Sources said it was Jenna's third visit to the club, which features replicas of Monica Lewinsky's blue dress and O.J. Simpson's white Bronco.
hahahaha that place rocks.
I'd take Barbara out to dinner then make love to her that night, then sneak out of bed to go get fucked up with Jenna and assfuck her in the men's stall at some seedy bar.

"I know if I wake her I'll wake up.... DEAD!"

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Kid Won’t Leave College
WISCONSIN - At the off-campus house Johnny Lechner shares with three other UW- Whitewater students, the stairway to his attic bedroom is lined with photos dating back to his freshman year.

Lechner has lost track of many of the buddies that posed with him at these long- ago fraternity parties and Homecoming parades. They have moved on to new lives - careers, wives, children, mortgages - and that’s just not Lechner’s scene.

“I could have - should have - graduated many years ago, but I keep passing on the real world’s invitation,” said Lechner, 28, who is in his 11th year as a student in the University of Wisconsin System, the last 10 at UW-Whitewater. He’s taken a full course load every semester except the current one, in which he’s taking seven credits.

Lechner has completed 234 college credits, about 100 more than needed to graduate and so many that he’s now paying the so-called “slacker tax.”

System students who exceed 165 total credit hours - or 30 more than their degree programs require, whichever is higher - pay double tuition. The Board of Regents instituted the surcharge this school year as a none-too-subtle hint that a state-subsidized education has its limits.


Here’s the most amazing part.

His middle-class parents pitched in financially for the first two years. Now he owes $30,000 in student loans but otherwise pays as he goes, using money earned as a waiter at the Janesville Olive Garden.

And what does he have to show for all these years of toil and study? A medical degree? A masters degree? Nope. A “liberal arts major with a lot of emphasis areas.”