PT 12.3 update. Track freezing and visible waveform editing...


Nov 18, 2009

Guys it's taken like a bazillion years for the idiots over at Avid to figure things out. They've FINALLY worked in a type of track freezing functionality, and they've FINALLY made the waveforms visible while moving clips around. The last update of 12.2 gave us input monitoring and access to the disk cache. That's when I decided to upgrade and bite the bullet to update my waves to AAX, etc.

I still hate this new subscription based price model, but at least they're making me feel like I'm not settling for a crippled piece of software by not having a full HD rig.

If you're like me and work in a variety of different studios and are basically forced to use Pro Tools, all these improvements are pretty exciting. IF you haven't upgraded to PT12 yet, do it. It's fucking amazing compared to 10 or 11.
they're slowly getting there. its beyond me why they don't market their DSP rigs the way UAD do - sell 1 version of PT and then if people want low latency plugins/DSP, include their AAXDSP plugins with their interfaces and HD packages. Its pretty confusing at the moment, what with the lines between HD and native features getting more and more blurred.
Shit, I really wanted to avoid having to upgrade from 11, I hate the subscription thing.

I guess I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and update as long as the grace period lasts.
And then hope that I won't need to upgrade anymore after those 12 months. Cause there's no way I'm gonna subscribe to BS like this.
I always really liked PT, but no way I'm gonna get forced into subscription OR outright buying a full version AGAIN because I didn't want to use the subscription.
Yeah, at least I found an upgrade from 11 (1 year updates) without the support, for 105euro it's not that bad (thomann).

I'm gonna pull the trigger and see how it develops, depending on how the year goes I might do the yearly thing at the end.

Really tough and bold move to eradicate all kind of updates after 2015, and to force people to buy a new licence if you skip the subscription.
You threw money at them for years, and then if you don't wanna pay for shit you don't need you have to buy everything all over again?
Wow avid. You really hate your customers.
^ as far as I understood they won't be offering the "upgrade" at all after dec 2015?

I could be wrong to, their FAQ is kinda confusing.
According to what I've read/heard, PT11 works fine. I bought an upgrade from 10 to 11 a while ago so I'll stay with PT11. Unless I didn't understand the point, I don't see the need to go to PT12 actually. And I don't like subscription things.
Upgraded last night.

I was initial totally against subscription; but then thought how much I'd paid for point updates in the past and thought price wise it was totally reasonable... for native at least. HD users are getting screwed though.
'New' features are awesome.
I thought 99.00 was not a bad price for a year of protools. Specially if they keep adding features like this!!

I'm waiting to finish up a few projects before I upgrade. Did you guys who updated have to surrender your protools 10 license?
I thought 99.00 was not a bad price for a year of protools. Specially if they keep adding features like this!!

I'm waiting to finish up a few projects before I upgrade. Did you guys who updated have to surrender your protools 10 license?

the 11 license bundle which includes 10 was surrended, but replaced with a 12 bundle which include 10, 11, 12 for me.
Mine still has the 10 license. I skipped past 11 but it's at one of the studios I work at.

12 really has some useful features. I seriously love it. The disk cache and individual input monitoring were worth it to me. 12.3 is icing on the cake. I'm embracing the subscription thing for now with this ONE piece of software, but FUCK if I'm going to start paying subscriptions for every god damn plug in. (SLATE)

Really hope the subscription thing doesn't catch on all over the place. User bases universally despise it.
By the way guys, despite what the avid website says you DO get a 10/11/12 licence even if you're just buying the Annual Upgrade Plan so you don't need to pay for the upgrade and support plan if you don't want the support. Seems there's been a bit of a climbdown about it after Avid getting alot of abuse on the DUC.
Installing 12 now as we speak. Been hearing very good things about it recently and I believe it will unlock more features with our S6 (which is an awesome controller).
Looks like prices dropped today. Having a look at the UK Avid store and it's £69/£130 for an upgrade. It was something like £82/£156 the other day.
This is good news! I still need 10 for a few things and was worried about that.

Can you still have 10 and 12 installed at the same time?

Yes. I use both. And having to go back and forth I can say that I prefer 12 in every way. Now that I've got most my plugins all figured out I'm fully on 12 at home, but one of the studios I work in is still on 10. It's a bit of a bummer going back. Even just the old metering style bugs me now.

One thing though, I don't think you can have above osx 10.8.5 installed and still use pt10
You can co-install 10/12 on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and Windows 7. Uninstall 11 and install 12.

That said, I'm on 10.9.5 and have a 10/11 co-install working, so I wonder if the 10/12 would still work for me?

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