PT Elastic vs Cubendo Audio Warp vs wtf other


Jean-Sébastien Beaulieu
Dec 4, 2009
Montreal, QC
Hey guys, this is a question to which I couldn't really find exact answer, as some people seem to be ecstatic over one or another. I any of those better than the other?

Let me explain, I don't want any "fanboy" answer over this. I know that Elastic Audio has the possibility to multitrack edit, and thus people seem to be all over it, but what I'm trying to know if the algorythms are any better in one or another. The exact question should probably be : "is any of the elastic time editor tools better at coping with possible time stretching artifacts"?

I've used Cubendo's Audio Warp for some time for minor time stretching (mostly with guitars and bass DIs), but I don't know if one makes a better job than the other. I can't test it myself, as I never really used Elastic Audio in a serious manner when I was on Pro Tools.

I'd like to have your opinion on that one.
considering this is in the time domain, you can record at higher sample rates in an effort to avoid artifacts.

i like both but use the pro tools (elastic audio) algorithm a lot more. but even then, i don't think i have used either in a while.