puddle of mudd

They suck, hopefully you check this site, or others, and see some real metal bands, god how can anyone like that crap?
those guys look like they are about to pull down their pants and fuck each other in the ass... what a load of crap

EDIT: but i'm not going to try to stop them from doing something they love (music), just my opinion... i didnt say you had to agree
I found them to be a fuzzy carbon copy of Fuel (a good rock band!). Not to slam them, but I was not impressed.
Mudayne= Bunch losers with there guitars tuned low to cover up there shittty playing!

hey u can suck me.,., i like mudvayne.,.,.,im not saying there metal.,.,.but at least u can most to it.,.,.wut do you do to puddle of mudd songs?.,.,.,suck off horses?.,.,.,.i bet you do.,.,.,.fag and half!!!!!!!!.,.,.,lol :mad:
Originally posted by WarHead

hey u can suck me.,., i like mudvayne.,.,.,im not saying there metal.,.,.but at least u can most to it.,.,.wut do you do to puddle of mudd songs?.,.,.,suck off horses?.,.,.,.i bet you do.,.,.,.fag and half!!!!!!!!.,.,.,lol :mad:
you've been misinformed, mudvayne sucks donkey ass!
lol.,.,.i saw there live stuff.,.,dont flame my opinion.,.,.i wont flame urs,.,.,.,but the fact of the matter is.,.,that PUDDLE OF MUDD SUX AND THEIR NAME SHOULD NEVER BE BROUGHT UP HERE AGAIN!!!!!!.,.,.,lol .,.,.good times
but at least u can most to it
lol.,.,.,.*mosh.,.,.,im really drunk,.,.,.i had some after shock,.,.,and some jack daniels.,.,.and i have like four more hours of drinkin to do.,.,lol.,.,wish me luck,..,.,.:spin:
Originally posted by WarHead
lol.,.,.i saw there live stuff.,.,dont flame my opinion.,.,.i wont flame urs,.,.,.,but the fact of the matter is.,.,that PUDDLE OF MUDD SUX AND THEIR NAME SHOULD NEVER BE BROUGHT UP HERE AGAIN!!!!!!.,.,.,lol .,.,.good times
haha, sorry, i was kinda off the subject :)
no prob dude.,.,.imm drunker taht b4 .,.,.if tahts even possible..,.,.but that cool.,.,.,u seem pretty chill.,.,,.man,,.,.,i love jack daniels.,., :spin:
they seem to been a mix of band that mtv has to offer.,.,like offspring/staind/.,.,.,.waaaiit.,.,.ima hypracrite.,.,.,cuz that sorta wut mudvayne is.,.,,..tooshay.,.:spin: .,.,.,i just dont like the fact that they arent hardcore.,.,.(my opinion).,.,.vayne was crazy at ozzfest (better than slipknot),.,.we were right up infront of them.,.it was awsome,..,but then they went on mtv :( .,.,.,o well.,.,i still like em,.,.,ohyeah.,.,,pudd is just to alternative 4 me,..,pluuus fred durst being in the picture (even though i did like staind when i heard dysfunction),.,.,.im just a hypocrite asshole with alot of opinions about music.,.,lol.,., a true guitarist!!!.,.,.,lol
Originally posted by WarHead

hey u can suck me.,., i like mudvayne.,.,.,im not saying there metal.,.,.but at least u can most to it.,.,.wut do you do to puddle of mudd songs?.,.,.,suck off horses?.,.,.,.i bet you do.,.,.,.fag and half!!!!!!!!.,.,.,lol :mad:

Man u should chill, I hate Puddle of Mudd too! Remember everyone is entitled to there own opinion!Still Friends!heheheh!:)
Originally posted by WarHead

hey u can suck me.,., i like mudvayne.,.,.,im not saying there metal.,.,.but at least u can most to it.,.,.wut do you do to puddle of mudd songs?.,.,.,suck off horses?.,.,.,.i bet you do.,.,.,.fag and half!!!!!!!!.,.,.,lol :mad:

And What is with this Fag and a Half are your a Homophobe or something, i mean u sound like a christian!