Punch-Drunk Love


sock puppet
Oct 14, 2002
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I actually liked this movie quite a bit and my sister thinks it's the worst movie she's ever seen. She wouldn't really tell me why, though.

I am in love with the coupon aspect of it, as my dad saves like 50% on every shopping trip strategically using sales, coupons and triple coupons. Also that porn line shit really does seem scary.
Fuckin' loved it. Most people in my entourage thought it reeked turkish asshole, though. Most of them pointed out the lack of character development, the unlikeable characters (specially Sandler's), and the "inane" soundtrack. Fuck'em though, I thought the almost exclusively percussion soundtrack was genius and enhanced Barry Egan's inadequationality, as well as his unableness to effectively communicaricate with other people. I actually related, to a small degree, with Barry Egan and felt that given P.T. Anderson's penchant for the epic, a 90-minute movie was really refreshing.

I think that there were two types of people who saw that movie:

1) Adam Sandler fans

2) movie fans with taste

The first did not like the movie as they expected something inane and stupid and instead they got something poignant and refreshing.

The second may like the movie if they can get past their bias against Sandler who usually blows. I happened to love the movie and thought it was by far the best thing Sandler has been in, even though I do kinda like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore.
At first it kinda bored me, but by the end I loved it. Now that I've seen it a few times, I love the whole thing. Not quite one of my top favorites, but it's in my upper tier of movies, I suppose.