Pungent Stench - Masters Of Moral Servants Of Sin


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Pungent Stench - Masters Of Moral Servants Of Sin
Nuclear Blast - 2001
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Nuclear Blast website

For those who haven't run across Pungent Stench in the past, this is undoubtedly the sickest death metal band this side of Autopsy. In fact, forget Autopsy - Pungent Stench are this sickest death metal band in history, ever. Songs about chiselling your mother's eyeballs out are common subject matter to these guys.

Newly reformed after their intial split about eight years ago, the Stench crew have unleashed their latest moral-majority baiting opus, and this time they've turned their guns on Christianity. Songs such as 'The Convent Of Sin' and the unashamedly blasphemous 'Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me'pack all the controversial punch of earlier Pungent Stench offerings - in fact, it's hard to believe they've ever been away!

It's business as usual for Pungent Stench musically - ridiculously fast double-bass grounded drumming, shredding riffage coupled with fast-paced melodic noodle-fests of solos, death metal standard cookie monster vox and a rumbling bass guitar ensuring that long-time Stench fans aren't disappointed.

Luckily, as well as being able to write sick lyrics, the band are also more than capable of writing damn good songs - witness the slow-paced yet crushing intro to 'The Convent Of Sin', and the album's closing battery og 'Mortuary Love Affair' and 'The Testament Of Stench'. You may not even notice the extremity of the lyrics at first, so hard is it to prevent yourself from banging your head furiously to the CD!

Pungent Stench, it's good to have you back!
