pure comedy

save you some reading here's the best line:

(this is a letter to major video game publishers from an actual real live lawyer mind you, who is lambasting video game industry figurehead dude Doug Lowenstein)

"Take-Two’s new game coming out in October featuring violence by students in a school setting (the next scandal that is brewing on Lowenstein’s watch) ought to be renamed “Doug.”"
the thing i'd like to know is, this "hot coffee" patch is for the PC version of GTA:SA, no?

and i mean, who in their right mind would buy that version?

should've strafed left.
it's true. in fact, i voted for lieberman TWICE in 2000 (for VP on the Gore/Lieberman ticket, and for Senator in CT). shame on me. i switched my vote from nader at the last minute after watching the third debate stoned.